Uneven skin tone occurs due to many reasons, mostly due to hormonal imbalance, oily skin pimples, overexposure to the sun. In either of the cases melanin has a tendency spread unevenly which results in the patchy skin and causes uneven skin tone as well. Melanin is the compound that is responsible for the coloration of skin cells.
Uneven skin tone can be corrected by using herbal remedies that is not very difficult to follow. In critical cases prescription by dermatologists is highly recommended. Herbalists are equally adept in providing the adept herbal treatments. To maintain even skin tone there are many herbal treatments that can be practiced at home with certain herbs readily available at home.
Over-the-counter creams and other chemical based treatments that can be harsh and can cause unseen damage therefore one should seek home herbal products. Exfoliation is another sure way of clearing uneven skin tone instead of an aggressive treatment.
7 Herbal Remedies For Uneven Skin Tone
Chirayta(Swertia Chirta)
Also known as”grandmmother’s bitter potion” as it is bitter in taste .it’s juice prevents boils and pimples. This herb purifies blood; also well in healing wounds and lso treats various skin diseases.
Rosehip Seed Oil
This herb is has a high content of Vitamin A(retinol)and easily absorbed by the skin without experiencing the rashes and allergies caused by chemical biased or synthetically created retinol remedies provides excellent results when combined with blackcurrant seed oil and other essential oil. It nourishes the skin and gives a healthy glow.
Grape seed oil and Hazelnut oil, when added to Rosehip seed oil improves the complexion and exfoliates the skin. It also reduces irregular pigmentation, and removes the fine lines, and combats dehydrated skin.
Symplocos Racemosa
A divine herb, Lodhra is known in Ayurveda for a variety of properties. It is combined in a lot of formulas for uneven skin treatments and cures many skin ailments. It is widely used in Ayurveda in large number of formulations where remedies are required for skin ailments & other health disorders. It has soothing and cleansing properties to its credit. It makes the skin firmer and healthier by reducing inflammation.
Neem(Azadirachta Indica)
This herb is famous for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties and is useful in eradicating pimples by applying the paste.neem when consumed in juice form also purifies blood and cleanses the skin by lowering the melanin.
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Effective Home Remedies For Uneven Skin Tones
5 Wonderful Home Remedies For Uneven Skin Tone
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Giloy(Tinospora Cordifolia)
It is a very useful herb that works like a tonic as it has rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory properties that has the potential to increase the white blood cell count.
Majistha(Rubia Cordifolia)
This is an herb found with red sap its main purpose is to remove the toxins. It is known in Ayurveda for excellent anti-inflammatory properties. It is available in powered form . Two spoons of this powder mixed in purified water can be consumed throughout the day for best results. Ideally it should be a part of the holy water that is prescribed by an herbalist.
This another herb used for treating uneven skin tones and other skin ailments. It has to be combined with other herbs to get optimum results.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.