Hypoglycemia is a condition of abnormally low level of blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is the main source of energy within the body. Low level of blood sugar or Hypoglycemia is not a disease but a sign of a health problem.
Insufficient glucose in the body can be the result of diabetes, too much of physical activity, improper nutrition or an insulin overabundance. If neglected Hypoglycemia can lead to fainting, coma or a seizure. Blood-sugar level can be easily treated with the regular use of naturally available herbs.
5 Effective Herbs For Hypoglycemia
Bitter Melon
The Bitter Melon is also known as a bitter gourd, is a fruit is extensively used in herbal medicine for the treatment of hypoglycemia. The Bitter melon has an ability to improve glucose tolerance and by using this body’s blood-sugar level ability will be increased.
Bitter melon herbal tea is very much beneficial in treating hypoglycemia to a great extent. Slices of bitter melon are made into the tea or even a dried teaspoon of bitter melon is used for making tea with a glass of water. Boil for five minutes and strain into a coffee mug and drink warm. This tea is mild, pleasant and nutty in taste.
Chia Seeds
Chia (Salvia Hispanica) seeds offer a natural and healthy way to stabilize blood sugar. Chia seeds contain a high level of soluble and insoluble fiber which is the key factor in stabilizing blood glucose levels.
Blend a cup of milk and add an equal amount of any kind of juice. Add ½ cup of Chia seeds and blend until smooth. Allow it to settle for a couple of minutes, blend again and serve. This shake can keep a hypoglycemic person full of energy and strength for a long time.
Fenugreek is a medicinal plant having lots of beneficial in lowering blood sugar. Fenugreek is rich in potent antioxidants, which are beneficial on the pancreas and liver. This property is useful in treating hypoglycemia. The brown hard yellow seed of Fenugreek is extensively used in cooking and medicines. Fenugreek powder is used to treat Hypoglycemia.
The Fenugreek powder releases more vanadium, a chemical element which helps in lowering the blood-sugar level. Crush some Fenugreek seeds and steep in water for nearly3 hours. Drink this water as a tea before meals. This helps in reducing the blood-sugar level to a great extent. The leaves of this plant can also be used in salads and other recipes.
Apple And Licorice Tea
Apple is an excellent fruit for treating hypoglycemia. The higher percentage of fructose present in the apple is quickly absorbed into the system, is available as glucose and may be burned as energy by the body.
Make a pleasant tea by boiling two to three apples, which are cut into slices in a quart of water for 15 minutes. Add a little licorice root and sip the tea two to three times a day. This works as a wonderful mixture in treating hypoglycemia.
Dandelion Tea
Dandelion is a wonderful herb which helps in clearing excess glucose, or sugars from the bloodstream thereby reducing the hypoglycemic condition. Dandelion roots are a great source of calcium. This herb supports the pancreas and liver.Boil a cup of water and add a teaspoon of dried Dandelion leaves, cover and steep for a minute. Mix lemon or orange juice and sip hot. This herbal tea is particularly useful in support and repair of the liver which is responsible in storing glycogen (a form of quick release sugar) compensates in excess insulin production.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.