Psoriasis is a disease that is not curable by any process and it remains for the lifetime once it starts in the body, but the symptoms of the disease can be controlled or reduced as well. The disease is commonly seen among the age group of 15 to 35 years and is generally occurred due to the abnormal activity in the immune system.
The person having psoriasis experiences various kinds of skin problems such as irritation, reddening of the skin, dryness, itching of the skin, inflammation, pain etc. It is a genetic disease and hence, is passed to the offspring in maximum cases. Scalp, elbow and knee are the most affected areas. There are various herbs available that helps to reduce and control the symptoms of psoriasis. Some of the herbs and their usage are as follows.
6 Best Herbs For Psoriasis
In order to get relief from psoriasis, barberry can be applied over the affected areas as an ointment or can also be used along with comfrey, golden seal etc. The roots of the barberry can be used to make tea and can also be applied to the affected area.
The tea can be made by adding 2-4 grams of dried roots of barberry to hot boiling water. Drink the tea 3 times a day and continue drinking the tea for a week to get the best result.
Aloe VeraÂ
Aloe Vera gel is another herb that helps to reduce scaling, redness or inflammation caused by this disease. It has been noticed that this gel works significantly better than 0.1% of triamcinolone acetonide which is one of the most common drugs used in this kind of treatment.
You can apply this gel directly on the affected sections of your body in order to reduce the irritation caused by psoriasis. In order to get the best possible result you should apply this gel on a regular basis.
Safflower Sunshine
It is herb generally used to make vegetable oil also helps to treat psoriasis. Dry safflower oil and add dried Calendula to it. Heat the mixture and add oil of turmeric to it. Apply the mixture over the affected area to get relief from inflammation and pain.
Oil Of Neem LeafÂ
Another amazing herb is the oil of neem leaf. It can reduce your irritation significantly if you apply this oil aptly. But then there is a certain procedure to apply this oil.
In order to get the best result, dilute the neem oil with other types of vegetable oil in 10 to 20 % of solution and apply it to the infected area to get relief from psoriasis.
Take chamomile and mix it with oatmeal and take a bath to relax yourself using the herbs. These herbs help to treat the dry skin, rashes and the skin burns. Mix the strained water of the mixture of the herbs to your bath water to cure the psoriasis.
Oregon GrapeÂ
The extracts of the roots of the Oregon grape consumed three times every day will help you reduce the skin itching and inflammation caused due to psoriasis.Some other herbs to cure psoriasis include chickweed oil, licorice, cayenne oil, sarsaparilla, dandelion, Echinacea, Goldenseal, milk thistle and many more.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.