Categories: Herbs

Best Herbs For Rheumatism


The medical disorder of joints and connective tissues are known as rheumatism. The causes of rheumatism are not known though many believe that it is genetic. There are certain genes that can affect rheumatism. Certain infections and environmental factors can also lead to this disease.

This results in the inflammation of the joints and other body parts. Rheumatism can be associated with fatigue and loss of appetite. Rheumatism is a common problem amongst the aged but can affect others as well. Ankylosing spondylitis, back pain, neck pain, Capsulitis. Osteoarthritis and Bursitis are some of the forms of rheumatoid arthritis. Some of the useful herbs for rheumatism are as follows:

Effective Herbs For Rheumatism

Burdock Root

This herb can be taken for the treatment of any kind of pain in the joints as this herb contains essential fatty acids. This herb contains fatty oils, tannins and sterols and therefore can be useful in the treatment of inflammation.

Burdock root can be taken by adding them in stir fried dishes or in the form of a decoction. Take 2-3 tbsp of this herb and add it to boiling water. Simmer for some time. Strain and drink. Burdock root in capsule forms are also available.


Flaxseed contains Omega-3 and hence is used for the treatment of rheumatism. It can be used as an herb for rheumatism as it boosts the immune system and also reduces in inflammation.

Take about 2 tbsp of flaxseed every day to treat the symptoms of rheumatism. Flaxseed oil can also be used as an alternative. It is to be kept in mind that flaxseed and flaxseed oil should not be heated or cooked. Also if you are suffering from some digestive problem, use flaxseed oil instead of the seeds.


Turmeric contains anti inflammatory qualities and thus can give you relief from pain. Turmeric contains two useful chemicals named curcuminoids and curcumin which reduces the inflammation associated with rheumatism and other diseases like Alzheimer’s etc as well.

Turmeric is a useful ingredient in all Indian dishes and you can add them in your recipes also. Take in raw turmeric early in the morning every day. Repeating this procedure for a few days will give you relief from the pain.

Nettle Root

Nettle contains proteins, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, beta carotene and mostly all the vitamins. This is amazing herb and can work as magic for the treatment of arthritis and gout.

It also has anti inflammatory properties and the minerals contained in the herb can help reduce the pain. Take in nettle root herbal tea every day to get relief from the pain and inflammation. Drink about 1-2 cups on a daily basis. Nettle root tea also prevents water retention and is good for the kidneys as well.


Licorice can be used to kill the free radicals that caused inflammation. Licorice contains a compound named Glycyrrhizin that can cure inflammation and pain. Licorice should also be taken in the form of tea. It should be noted that licorice should not be used by people who suffer from high blood pressure.

Licorice has many side effects and should only be taken in very small amounts and should be totally avoided by people having high blood pressure. Your diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables that contain fatty acids and lots of fibre. Yoga can also be practiced for the prevention of rheumatism. These were few of the beneficial herbs for rheumatism.

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