Ringworm is an infection caused by fungus. This fungus called Tinea grows and multiplies on your skin. Ringworm is contagious and can be caused by skin to skin contact with the person or by sharing things like towels, clothing or sports gear. Ringworm of the skin usually causes an itchy rash with a shape of a ring but not always, sometimes it is just an itchy rash. Jock itch is a rash on the skin folds of the groin. It may also be spread to the inner thighs or buttocks. In the hand it looks like the athlete’s foot.
The skin on the palm of the hand becomes thick, dry and scaly and skin between the fingers may be moist and have open sores. Foot ringworm is also called athlete’s foot which includes an itchy, dry, red and flaky rash usually in the spaces between the toes. The rings can multiply, grow in size and merge together.
Blisters and pus filled sores may be formed around the ring. The best way to avoid ringworm is to follow hygiene rules. Ringworm of the skin can be cured by self care but if the skin does not respond after four weeks or if you are a diabetic or with a weakened immune system due to certain medications better consult your doctor.
Raw Honey can be directly applied to the infected area. It has got anti inflammatory properties which act to certain signs of inflammation as itch, swelling, tenderness etc. thereby preventing or reducing inflammation. It is a rich source of antioxidant which boosts the immune system which makes healing faster. It has got anti fungal and antibacterial properties which treat deep infections caused by fungus.
Further it an antiseptic which inhibits the growth and development of microorganism. It is a good moisturizer which makes the skin supple and moist. It offers a non-toxic alternative to powerful and sometimes damaging prescription medicines. Spot test the small area of your jaw line to see if you are sensitive to honey and then you can safely use the same.
It has got antifungal, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties which are helpful in treating ringworm. Application of coconut oil in the skin will prevent dryness and stop the itching. Its anti inflammatory properties reduces signs of inflammation i.e., itch, swelling, tenderness etc.
Its antioxidant properties make healing faster. It has got antifungal properties which can treat deep infections caused by fungus. Moreover, coconut oil has got moisturizing properties which reduces the itchiness of the skin thus making it beneficial for treating ringworm in humans.
It has got anti inflammatory which helps in reducing signs of inflammation itch, swelling, tenderness etc. Antifungal and antibacterial properties help in treating deep infections caused by fungus.
Antioxidant properties make healing faster. Moisturizing properties reduces the itchiness of the skin. Take few drops of oil and rub it in your arm. Keep it for a day and check for side effects. If you have any, please don’t continue the same.
Apply garlic paste on the affected area with a cotton ball. It has got anti inflammatory properties which reduces signs of inflammation i.e., itch, swelling, tenderness etc. Antifungal and antibacterial properties help in treating deep infections caused by fungus. Antioxidant properties make healing faster.
It has also got astringent properties which prove helpful from relieving skin irritations caused by insect bites. However, if you are allergic to aloe vera gel, onion or other types of plants in the alliaceae family, then please don’t apply garlic.
You can apply neem paste or fresh turmeric juice to the affected area as it proves beneficial in treating ringworm. Both have got anti inflammatory properties which reduce the signs of inflammation.
Antifungal and Antibacterial properties helps in treating deep infections caused by fungus. Antioxidant properties make healing faster. Astringent properties prove helpful in relieving skin irritations caused by insect bites.
The gel of the leaf can be directly applied on the affected area. It has got anti-inflammatory property which will ease your itch, swelling, tenderness etc. Moreover it contains Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, which helps to heal faster. Antifungal and Antibacterial properties helps in treating deep infections caused by fungus.
It is also a good moisturizer, which helps the product to slip into the skin and also prevents dryness. However, if you are allergic to garlic, onion or other types of plants in the alliaceae family, then please don’t apply aloe vera gel.
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