In today’s hectic work schedule, we often forget some important things which might irritate your friends and family. Such situations turn out to be embarrassing as well. So, many people are finding ou…
15 Amazing Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes For Babies
Sweet Potatoes are a type of root vegetables and can be safely given as food to babies. The Sweet Potatoes are really liked by babies as they are really very sweet and palatable to eat. Packed with hu…
15 Amazing Benefits Of Quinoa For Skin, Hair And Health
Quinoa is a type of edible seed that comes from the South American regions like Bolivia and Ecuador. Quinoa is very useful for our body as it has a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins which…
8 Useful Home Remedies For Treating Fainting Problem
Fainting is a very serious problem in which the person loses the consciousness suddenly and this can lead to certain serious effects on the body of that person. The main reason of fainting is the decr…
7 Simple Home Remedies For Getting Relief From Blind Pimple
The problem of blind pimple is very common and a painful one. Unlike the usual pimple outbreak, in the problem of blind pimple the pimple appears deep inside the skin and causes a lot of pain. The pro…
9 Amazing Home Remedies To Reduce Hair Fungus
The human scalp is considered as one of the most suitable place on the human body that favours the growth of fungus. The fungus infects the scalp and the problem is medically known as hair fungus prob…
10 Amazing Foods That Increase Sex Drive
In the modern life style stress has become a permanent issue that not only affect the mental health but also has very serious impact on the physical health of the people. The most serious impact of st…
11 Home Remedies For Treating Belly Button Infection
The problem of skin infection is very common and is caused due to the overgrowth of certain micro organisms and the infection can occur at a lot of places in the body and one such favourable place for…
15 Amazing Health Benefits Of Lotus Root
Lotus root is actually the rhizome of lotus plant. They develop under the water in the mud. Lotus root is popular as kamal kakri in India. As a matter of fact, lotus root is also popular as root veget…
Top 5 Essential Oils To Treat Allergies
Several people across the world suffer from different kinds of allergies. Allergies occur due to the over-reaction of our body’s immune system to certain kind of allergens such as dust, foods, p…
18 Benefits Of Amaranth For Skin, Hair And Health
Amaranth is popular as leafy crop which has its origins in South America. Greeks named it Amaranth which means ‘immortality plant’. Lots of individuals in India use it, particularly people in the sout…
15 Benefits Of Jew’s Mallow For Skin, Hair And Health
Jew’s mallow which is also called as Molokhiya is a green leafy vegetable. It is known by various names such as, craincrain, ayoyo, nalta sag, corchorusolitorius, and so on. It is named differently in…
5 Effective Benefits Of Gooseberry Juice For Weight Loss
Proper exercises help you to burn calories and cholesterols. But at the same time without taking proper food you cannot reach a good result in weight loss. Gooseberry juice has many weight losing prop…
13 Most Simple Home Remedies For Oral Thrush
Oral thrush is the creamy white spot that appears on the tongue and cheeks which are painful and bleed on scratching. It is caused due to overgrowth of a fungus, a form of yeast called Candida albican…
15 Amazing Benefits Of Collard Greens For Skin, Hair And Health
Collard green is a green leafy vegetable that belongs to the group of broccoli and cabbage. It is power packed with nutrients and very delicious. It is usually found in Brazil, Portugal and also some …
7 Best Herbs That Revitalize And Stimulate Your Body And Mind
Stress and tension have become a part of our everyday life. We are so busy with our daily tasks and our minds are always preoccupied. We hardly get time to de-stress ourselves. Too much stress can lea…
5 Best Herbs That Can Help You To Gain Weight Fast
In a society obsessed with weight loss, the dangers of being underweight are often overlooked. Underweight people often suffer from hormonal disorders, adrenal dysfunction, weak immune system, inferti…
6 Natural Tips For Head Lice Treatment
Head lice are a common occurrence which happens mainly due to poor hygiene. Louse is a tiny parasite which lives on scalp and hair shafts. They suck blood from scalp and cause irritation. They grow in…
Top 12 Herbs And Foods To Kill Intestinal Parasites Naturally
You might not know that your body contains parasites. They are common and often most of the people don’t recognize it. Parasites contaminate the food and water we intake and could be a reason behind a…
11 Top Natural Treatments For Cold And Flu
Health problems are on rise and people are taking care of themselves by applying various types of remedies. Various types of health issues are coming to picture, which are mainly due to microorganisms…