8 Remedies for Overactive Bladder

Many people are shy and embarrassed to discuss the problem of overactive bladder with their doctors and health care providers. The problem can cause huge embarrassment if you are working outside or ar…

7 Remedies for Itching

We tend to forget our social etiquette and good mannerisms when it comes to itching. It is true that while scratching the itch makes us feel relieved but it also leads to social embarrassment and soci…

5 Remedies For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a medical state of the body in which a person feels severe pain all over the body. Doctor’s call Fibromyalgia as a syndrome in which various signs and symptoms occur simultaneously. Th…

5 Herbal Remedies For Water Retention

Water retention that state of the body in which the fluid in the circulatory system gets assembled in the body tissues or cavities. Our body contains 70 % of water and water is a part of all the body …

5 Remedies for Alopecia

Alopecia is a situation in which a person loses his/her hair from the head. The term baldness is more commonly used for alopecia in some parts or androgenic alopecia. The loss of hair can be due to co…

5 Remedies for Chest Congestion

Chest congestion is the conglomeration of mucus and fluid in the lungs. A person suffering from chest congestion may experience cough, chest pains and difficulty in breathing. It can be mild or severe…

5 Remedies for Lice

Lice are a big problem especially if they occur in children. The entire house needs to be sanitized or there is a strong possibility of a recurrence of lice. Lice can be of two types; head lice and bo…

6 Remedies for Acne Scars

Dealing with acne scars is as depressing as trying to get rid of acne. After fighting battle with acne it is time to begin a new battle with the acne scars. Once the acne goes it can leave behind unsi…

5 Remedies For Gastritis

Gastritis is the inflammation in the walls of the stomach. This is due to excessive consumption of liquor or long term use of non-steroidal drugs like aspirin or brufen.The infection in gastritis is p…

5 Remedies for Panic Attacks

Panic attack is a type of anxiety disorder in which a person feels intense fear or apprehension that is of variable duration ranges from minutes to hours. These attacks begin suddenly and may reach a …

6 Remedies for Sleep

Sleep! It is such an important doze of relaxation to your body; you must have realized it many times. The body recharges itself while we grab a pound of quality sleep .When you have slept well and eno…

Herbal Remedies for Dizziness

Dizziness is a situation in which a person has got impaired visual spatial perception and stability. The term dizziness can be used for vertigo, presyncope and disequilibrium in feelings like giddines…

12 Herbal Remedies For Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a type of digestive disorder that leads to loose and watery stools that increases the urgency to go washroom frequently. Diarrhea can be caused by any bacteria, virus or food poisoning.…

6 Herbal Remedies For Gallstones

Gallstones are the accumulation of fat and cholesterol in the gall bladder or biliary ducts that causes pain in the lower abdomen. The calculi formed in the gall bladder can reach to other parts of th…

9 Herbal Remedies For Stomach Ulcers

An ulcer is an interruption in the membrane of the body that restrains the organ from the continuity of the normal functions. The common forms of ulcers are pressure sores, genital ulcer, corneal ulce…

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