Herbs To Treat Fistula

In simple words fistula is an abnormal connection between some particular structures of internal body, may be intestine, an organ, vessel, or some other structure. Fistulas can be due to some kind of …

5 Herbs For Fine Lines

Appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are the first knock of aging. It is a fact neither we want to look old and nor those fine lines are acceptable. Some of you run towards luxurious options like sur…

Effective Herbs To Treat Fissure

Fissure or commonly referred as anal fissure is a cut or a tear in the anus due to passing hard and large stools, tough bowel movement, or anal sex. It is very common problem among adults and very pai…

6 Herbs For Eye Irritation

With the world going digital, our eyes are most of the time in contact with laptops, mobiles, TV, etc., which make our eyes tired and irritated. Apart from this, stress, insufficient sleep, and tensio…

5 Herbs For Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is very commonly occurring digestive disorder, primarily caused due to consumption of bacteria, fungus or virus contaminated food. Although there are several strong medications availabl…

6 Herbs To Treat Falling Hair

Millions of people are suffering from hair loss problem and worried for that too. However, few among them are actually able to cure this problem. If you lose 50-100 strands of hair a day, that is perf…

5 Herbs To Treat Eye Allergies

Eye allergies are normally caused due to some kind of problem or glitch in body’s immune system; to fight with that immune system releases antibodies that cause your eyes to discharge histamine and ot…

5 Herbs For Irritated Throat

Irritated throat can be a source of great discomfort and pain. It is a common problem and the main causes behind irritated throat are cold, cough, allergies, smoking, excessive drinking, upper respira…

5 Herbs For Impotence

Impotence is a common problem among many men and is associated with low sexual capability, ejaculation issues and erectile disorders. The affected person cannot sustain an erection needed for intercou…

5 Herbs For Appetite

Unlike animals, we humans, eat according to our instincts and tend to respond to hunger pangs more frequently and this leads to obesity in no time. We don’t have to hunt for food like animals, and we …

5 Herbs For Neuropathy

Neuropathy, also known as Peripheral Neuropathy, is a condition of your body feeling weak, numb and painful due to some part of your nerves getting damaged in some way. The discomfort is usually seen …

Best Herbs For Rheumatism

The medical disorder of joints and connective tissues are known as rheumatism. The causes of rheumatism are not known though many believe that it is genetic. There are certain genes that can affect rh…

5 Herbs For Frostbite

Frostbite can commonly be seen in the cold countries. It is associated with pain and itchiness. The skin turns pale white and the texture becomes waxy. Blisters may also appear and you can have a feel…

5 Herbs For Polyps

Polyp is regarded as an abnormal growth of tissues. The tissues project from a mucous membrane. The condition can usually be categorized as colon polyps, stomach polyps, nasal polyps, uterine and gall…

5 Herbs For Measles

Measles (Rubella) is a highly contagious viral disease caused due to a virus called Morbilli. It is very common in childhood and almost all children go through this disease worldwide unless vaccinatio…

5 Herbs For Freckles

Freckles are visible dark spots that appear on the skin and are most common amongst the fair skinned people. Though they are harmless, they affect the way you look as they normally appear on the face …

5 Herbs For Razor Burn

Razor burns on the skin are certain kind of irritations that is caused due to improper use of razor on the skin while shaving. Small nicks and cuts can cause the irritation to worsen and lead to form …

5 Herbs For Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive Teeth, is the uncomfortable feeling one’s teeth suffer when the teeth come in contact with hot, sour, sweet or cold consumables. The pain in the teeth can be sharp and sudden, while hurting …

5 Herbs For Gum Infection

There are various common diseases like gingivitis, pyorrhea, periodontitis, etc. associated with gum infection. Early symptoms of gum infection are swollen and red gums, bad breath, receding gums, los…

5 Herbs For Heat Rash

Heat rashes are common during summer. The harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun cause serious damage to the skin resulting in sun burns and rashes. Ultraviolet rays are of two types viz. UVA and UVB. Th…

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