Oatmeal is basically a cereal and a staple diet that originated in Scotland. It is not just great for health, it also has many skin benefits. Applying oatmeal helps in absorbing excess oil and reduces…
Home Remedies
13 Spices You Will Be Amazed You Can Grow At Home
Spices are an important part of every cuisine. No food is complete without spices. They may be added in a big or little quantity. Cooking food anywhere whether at a hotel or home demands some or other…
5 Best Ways To Use Green Tea On Face
Green tea is best known for its healthy benefits. However, it can also work wonders for your skin when used topically. Green tea freshens up the face and helps lighten blemishes and dark spots. It is …
6 Amazing Homemade Recipes Of Egg Facial Masks For Beautiful Skin
Our breakfast is incomplete without this amazing food product. It is loaded with proteins, vitamins and other minerals which are really beneficial for our overall well being. It is always recommended …
7 Easy Home Remedies To Remove Facial Hair
Why do you get the bleaching done on your face? To get rid of tanned skin and for a glow a right ? But apart from it most of us get it done to lighten facial hair. Yes. Bleach helps to lighten the fac…
21 Herbal Tips For Healthy And Glowing Skin
Everybody in this world wants to look beautiful with a glowing skin. For that lot of money is spent by people as glowing is the reflection of a healthy skin. Incandescent glow and shine are the signs …
14 Remedial Benefits Of Honey As Suggested By Ayurveda
‘Honey’ is the key ingredient in many medicines. One honey can treat so many ailments of humans. It was considered as a remedy of many diseases by our ancestors too. Ayurveda also recommends use of ho…
5 Best Home Remedies To Lighten The Darker Neck
We always follow Cleaning, Toning, Exfoliating and Moisturizing routine for our face but we tend to forget our neck. Hence it starts accumulating the dead skin cells more. One should always take care …
5 Ways To Use Potatoes To Get Glowing And Radiant Skin
Today’s post is about how you can use potatoes to get beautiful and glowing skin. This starchy vegetable contains high nutritional values and benefits. Most of you must be aware that potatoes co…
8 Signs That Shows You Are Eating Too Much Sugar
We all crave for a sugar binge; who doesn’t like maintaining their taste buds with a donut or ice creams or say chocolate for that matter. However, as a matter of fact our body receives all the sugar …
5 Amazing Beauty Recipes Using Salt You Should Try Today
Beauty Recipes with Salt ? Sounds interesting. Our plain salt has got some amazing benefits for our skin as well as for our hair. You must have seen the sea salt as an ingredient in many facial scrub…
5 Home Remedies For Shivering
Shivering! It feels typically weird to shiver uncontrollably when in meeting or surrounded by number of people. There are several reasons due to which it occurs. The common reasons are Fever, weak imm…
10 Home Remedies For Sunburned Lips
Sunburns are extremely annoying and can make you look perfectly unattractive with its effects! Not only the sunburns would change the color of your skin but also, it can damage your skin, burn it and …
6 Ways To Reduce Your Gi And Lose Weight
A glycemic index is a measurement system carried out on carbohydrate containing foods and assesses their effect on our blood sugar level. It ranks carbohydrates from 0 to 100 on the basis of how quick…
6 Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Fruit Flies
After mosquitoes probably the most common household pests you might ever witness in your house would be the fruit flies or the gnats. They have some unique traits with much likeness to a housefly. The…
5 Things You Should Try To Get Rid Of Spiders
For some people like me an insect with just 6 legs is more than enough to send me scurrying for covers. Imagine something which has 8 legs and looks ridiculously creepy. This is enough to set my night…
10 Foods That Help In Getting Rid Of Flu Faster
Cold and flu are common diseases which are the result of the weakness of our immune system. Any food that boosts up our immune system is helpful in getting rid of flu and feel better. The problem lies…
7 Amazing Health Benefits of Garlic
A lot of people avoid garlic due to it’s pungent smell. But after knowing it’s benefits, I am sure they will think twice before saying no to garlics. Garlics are widely used as spices or s…
7 Best Uses of Used Tea Bags
Tea is one of the preferred beverages. Most of the people start their day with a hot cup of tea because it is very refreshing. I am sure you might be knowing the procedure to make tea. On a higher sid…
5 Homemade Scrubs That Help Remove Unwanted Facial Hair
Facial hair is such an annoying issue! We all have some or little facial hair which can make the face look really dark, patchy and unpleasing. The facial hair looks very embarrassing and thus everyone…