Summers are here and with it, come a lots and lots of sweating. no matter how pleasing and cooling the summer nights would be, the summer days comes with a lots of sweating which is such an embarrassi…
10 Proven Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Skin Tags
If you have ever noticed, some people are infected with some outgrown skin which forms a round shape and look light brown in shade. These elements are called skin tags. The skin tags are quite normal …
10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Freckles
Freckles are some kind of skin infections or disorders which appear light brown and look spot like. Freckles clearly showcases that your skin is damaged and need proper care and nourishment. You can a…
7 Home Remedies For Smooth Armpits
Would not require and dream for those gorgeous bright and super smooth armpits! Armpit is one of the most underrated areas of the body which also require attention and proper care. If you do not care …
Top 5 Home Remedies For Cold Feet
Cold feet are not uncommon; they can be due to anxiety or extremely cold temperatures. Cold feet are caused when there is an inadequate supply of blood and oxygen to the legs and this can be due to po…
Top 9 Effective Home Remedies For Hiatal Hernias
Hiatal Hernias is a kind of the stomach related problem. Mostly the people in their age of 50’s and 60’s suffer from this problem. In this disorder the physical discomfort takes place in your stomach.…
Top 7 Home Remedies For Bone Spurs In Your Body
Bone spurs are actually the outgrowth of bones in a specific part of your body. It is caused due to the over deposit of calcium in the particular area. It happens because of wear and tears of your bon…
Top 10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blackheads On The Nose
Blackheads or open comedones are common on the face, but most prominently we observe blackheads on the nose. Blackheads are blocked skin pores containing dirt, debris, oil etc. and when left untreated…
10 Home Remedies For Dark Upper Lip Shadow
It is a real trouble for some women who constantly fight with the upper lip shadow. It is a dark pigmented skin over the upper lip which gives the resemblance of a mustache. It results due to overuse …
10 Home Remedies For Colon Cancer
Cancer is an uncontrolled proliferation of cells of a particular tissue or an organ in the body. It is one of the leading causes of death in the world. There are several causes for its occurrence such…
Top 10 Remedies For Acne Using Honey
Get rid of those irking acne spots and scars on your skin using honey. Sounds weird? But, yes honey does help in fading your acne scars and all you need to do is include it in your face pack recipes o…
Top 6 Ways To Avoid Clogged Ears
Fortunately, in many cases clogged ears doesn’t interfere much with your hearing ability but still it causes uneasiness in your ear like popping sensation in your ears, windy sound inside ears, accumu…
3 Easy And Effective Ways To Use Turmeric To Reduce Joint Pains
A staple in Indian kitchens, turmeric’s potential as an herbal remedy has gained it world wide popularity and today it is used as a very common ingredient in antiseptic and beauty creams. While this h…
5 Quick Home Remedies For Puffy Bags Under Eyes
Puffy bags under eye are caused because of stress, lack of sleep and in some cases exposure to too much climate extremes or even eating sour foods. Nevertheless, there are some easy and quick home rem…
15 Homemade Beauty Tips For Getting Fair Skin
When it comes to homemade beauty tips, there is so much available around to implement and get fair skin. These are some easy to implement remedies that you can try out at home without worrying about s…
6 Home Remedies For Fatty Liver Disease
Fatty liver disease, the condition needs no explanation as the name explains everything. The fat buildup in the liver results in inflammation and hinders the functions of the organ. Though this condit…
Top 10 Remedies For Brown Spots On The Skin
Brown spots, which are also known as liver spots, are called as solar lentigines. These kind of age spots are harmless and show up on the skin, particularly in people over 50s, those who get exposed t…
7 Home Remedies For Dry Or Cracked Fingertips
Dry or cracked fingertips could be the sign of problems like psoriasis, eczema or other underlying illnesses that affect the skin. But the solution is simple in home remedies. You don’t have to …
11 Home Remedies For Bedwetting
Bed wetting is a very common scene mainly among small children. Infants or small children suffering from this issue pass urine during sleeping. This problem can continue for many years. Thus, it must …
12 Amazing Home Remedies For Eye Care
Our eyes are our windows to view the world and hence, it is essential to take proper eye care. A few things like visiting your ophthalmologist regularly, getting enough sleep, giving your eyes frequen…