A thick volume of bouncy and shiny hair adds beauty to your appearance. Good quantity of hair makes you look young and pretty. For this reason thinning of hair and dry hair are regarded is as problem.…
5 Effective Benefits Of Gooseberry Juice For Weight Loss
Proper exercises help you to burn calories and cholesterols. But at the same time without taking proper food you cannot reach a good result in weight loss. Gooseberry juice has many weight losing prop…
13 Most Simple Home Remedies For Oral Thrush
Oral thrush is the creamy white spot that appears on the tongue and cheeks which are painful and bleed on scratching. It is caused due to overgrowth of a fungus, a form of yeast called Candida albican…
The Top 10 Super Spices That Protect Your Body
We use different types of spices in our everyday cooking. They not only add flavor and taste to your food. These spices have tremendous power that protects your body from different disease. So, unknow…
5 Getting Rid Of Grey Hair Naturally Using These Homemade Oils
Our hair will turn grey one day naturally when we will reach our old age. The problem is not all that. The problem starts when our hair starts to grey at quite early age – in our 20’s or 30’s. Hair tu…
15 Simple Home Remedies To Lighten Dark Skin On Hands and Feet
There several reasons due to which the skin on our hands and legs darkens. These factors can be the sun, environmental pollution, certain cosmetics, dryness of the skin, medications etc. Instead of da…
15 Superb Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Black Eye
A punch on the face can injure the eye and bruise the tissues around the eye and result in black eye. Other factors such as allergies, jaw surgeries can also result in black eye. Blood collects around…
14 Home Remedies For Loss Of Appetite
Loss of appetite is a condition often caused due to an array of reasons, mainly psychological. A survey has shown that most fall prey to this, either due to stress, anxiety, depression or peer pressur…
12 Effective Home Remedies For Dizziness
Dizziness or light-headedness is something everyone has experienced at some point in their lives. More often than not, it is ignored and negated as not a very major problem. That however is not true, …
10 Home Remedies For Minor Hand Burns
Even the simplest activity such as lifting a plate too hot can cause a superficial burn on the skin of the hand. It is one of the most majorly faced problem among all sections of people, causing pain …
10 Top Home Remedies For Sunburn Blisters
Blisters are formed due to wide range of reasons. It can be formed due to sunburn that is a common issue nowadays. Excess exposure to sunlight can lead to this kind of problem. The ultraviolet rays pr…
10 Amazing Home Remedies For Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism is a kind of problem that is mainly related with thyroid gland. Thyroid is one type of gland present in the neck. This gland is very important as it produces hormones required for prop…
12 Home Remedies For Scar Removal
Scarring of tissue is a common beauty concern faced by people of all age groups and nationalities. It not only blemishes the smooth skin but is often, rather nasty to look at. These scars maybe due to…
15 Astonishing Health Benefits Of Having Oats
An apple every day keeps the doctor at bay is an old adage. But one cup of oatmeal a day helps keep the doctor at bay is the new adage. Firstly, oats are not a favorite choice for kids. But, opting fo…
10 Effective Home Remedies For Liver Cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is one of the dangerous and alarming diseases of the liver. The damage caused by this disease is not treatable, diseases and infections. The liver is one of the regenerative organs in the bo…
10 Helpful Home Remedies For Hair Dye Allergies
Hair dyes might cause allergic reactions because of the chemicals present in them. The reaction might occur immediately or after a day or so. Using chemicals to treat these allergic reactions might ma…
10 Home Remedies For Itchy Eyes
Eye is a very important organ of the body that needs to be maintained in order to visualize the things. It is very much sensitive to outer environment and can be affected from various types of problem…
10 Home Remedies For Herpes
Herpes are a kind of viral infections that looks very ugly and are highly contagious. It is mainly caused by herpes virus. Simplex-1 herpes is mainly related to oral types of infections and simplex-2 …
10 Effective Home Remedies For Cold
Cold is one such common health issue that occurs due to the virus or rather different kinds of viral infections. This condition is quite irritating especially for kids and the symptoms of cold will ev…
9 Home Remedies For Head Lice
Head lice are actually one type of parasites that survives by sucking the blood from the scalp. They stay on the scalp and the root of the hair. They spread their population and create a mess on the s…