Lactose intolerance is becoming an increasingly common problem that people are encountering. Eating junk foods and fat rich diets have made the digestive system unable to cope with milk or dairy produ…
Top Effective Natural Cures For Gastroenteritis
The term gastroenteritis has been used to define the inflammation that occurs in the mucous membranes, which are lining the stomach along with the intestines. Basically, it is a problem that is caused…
9 Effective Natural Cures For Yellow Fever
Yellow fever is caused by the bite of a mosquito which transmits a virus into the body. This viral disease must be treated by doctors, but natural cures are also available to ensure that the recovery…
Natural Cures For Pyorrhoea
Pyorrhoea is a medical condition that affects the gums. A bacterial infection, that is usually caused due to bad food habits. Stress, improper cleaning, allergy, smoking and drugs are various factors …
Beneficial Natural Cures For Winter Ailments
No matter what kind of change is occurring in the human body, whether it is a change in climate or temperature, a change in geography or just a change in diet, it takes time for the body to adjust. Th…
5 Cures For Leucoderma
Leucoderma is called vitiligo. It is a medical condition which causes due pigmentation of skin. The cells beneath the skin get damaged, those cells which produce melanin. White coloured patches appear…
8 Cures To Belching
It is natural to have belching which is also identified as burping, eructation or ructus, that you cannot help stop it, rather you would let it go. Soon after having meals or water or if you’re facing…
5 Cures For Leucorrhoea
Leucorrhoea is a condition in which there is a whitish or yellowish discharge from the vagina. This discharge is generally thick and viscous with a foul odor and may increase with vaginal infection or…
5 Natural Cures For Lethargy
Lethargy is a condition of the body and the mind in which the affected person experiences acute fatigue and lack of energy. The main symptoms of lethargy include inability to work and play, tiredness …
5 Top Natural Tips To Cure Mastitis Effectively
Mastitis is a medical condition that occurs in lactating women. It is defined as the inflammation of tissue in the mammary glands. When milk is made faster than it is actually. Either one or both the …
Best Natural Cures For Postpartum Depression
You need to take control of your lifestyle and exercise choices if you are suffering from postpartum depression. While giving birth to your child is an enriching and life changing experience, along wi…
10 Best Natural Cures For Low Immunity
Low immunity is a condition in which immune system gets weakened and body becomes prone to several ailments due to poor immune response. Immune system provides protection from various infections to th…
5 Effective Natural Cures For Scarlet Fever
Scarlett fever is a disease most common in children. It is not a serious medical complication as it is easily treated these days. Alternatively called as scarlatins, it is a strep infection caused by …
8 Cures For Retain Teeth And Lip Color
Dental health is mostly neglected by people, but they are concerned with the appearance of their teeth and lips because of the aesthetic value placed on them. The appearance can be greatly altered wit…
5 Cures For Amnesia
Amnesia is a medical condition in which a person suffers from a memory loss. The memory loss could be either partial or complete, which primarily depends upon the cause of amnesia. This condition is u…
Let’s Learn How To Cure IBS Naturally
Do you have a bloated stomach which pains and feels heavy all the time? Are gas, constipation, frequent motions, backache and fatigue causing you much discomfort? If you have most of these symptoms, i…
Natural Cures For Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a chronic condition that typically develops in people around teenage and gets worse as they grow older. The common symptoms include extreme mood sw…
12 Most Effective Natural Cures For Eye Infection
Eye infections, among which conjunctivitis or pink eye is the most common, can, affect people of any age and gender. Viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi can attack the human body and cause the eye…
Natural Cures For Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that results in generalized, aching pain, which includes a painful response to pressure. People who suffer from fibromyalgia wake up with a chronic pain all over th…
8 Effective Natural Cures For Dermatitis
Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin, which can create a vicious cycle. In the early stages your skin turns red, dry and itchy. More serious condition is characterized by crusty scales or blister…