Dry and damaged hair is an extremely common problem and little carelessness seem to worsen it manifold. We all love beautiful, thick and healthy tresses and there must have been innumerable times when…
8 Effective Natural Treatments For Herpes
Herpes affects millions of people all over the world every year. It refers to a group of viral infections that may cause sores and blisters which can itch and pain badly. Herpes Simplex and Herpes Zos…
7 Treatment For Nail Fungus
Nails are the hard shell kind of growth that covers our fingers and toe ends. Nails protect our extremities and also help in strengthening our grasp. However, they are also one of the most neglected p…
6 Treatments For Split Ends
Split hair proves that your hair lacks care. Split hair is unattractive. If you keep your hair loose, your hair looks almost like broomsticks or weird brushes. Apart of lack of care, causes of split e…
7 Treatments For Allergy On Skin
Allergies are probably the worst enemy of your skin. These are caused when your skin or body comes in contact with material, substance or food stuff that does not suit your body. The adverse reaction …
5 Treatments For Arthritis In Hands
Medically, Arthritis is the inflammation that occurs at a particular part of body resulting in swelling and severe pain. Arthritis in hands leads to pain in the fingers and makes it difficult for your…
5 Treatments For ADHD
ADHD is attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder. It is a psychiatric disorder that commonly develops amongst young children. ADHD impairs a person’s ability to focus, concentrate and learn. Per…
7 Easy Natural Treatments For Wet Cough
Common cough may be two types – wet and dry. Wet cough is that where mucus is present and in dry cough no mucus is found. Actually, common cough is harmful but if cough persists for a long time it sig…
5 Treatments For Dull Hair
Dull hair is a problem. It spoils the natural beauty of our personality as hair plays an important role in our personality. Shiny hair is an asset. If you have shiny hair, then you need nothing. Just …
7 Natural Treatments For Heat Rash
Heat Rash is more commonly known as Prickly heat and is usually found in the upper back, around the armpit region and in some cases on the upper chest. Heat rashes develop when the minerals and salts …
5 Treatments For Attractive Face
An attractive face is on every one’s wish list. A good looking face can light up a place within seconds and the effects of having an attractive face go a long way in enhancing a person’s s…
Effective Natural Treatments For Peptic Ulcers
Ulcer refers to breakage or disintegration of mucous membrane that forms the internal lining of our organs. This breakage results in exposure of organs and soft tissue making it inflamed and irritated…
5 Treatments For Indigestion
Digestive disorder or indigestion happens when our digestive system does not work properly. In normal case digestive system process all the foods and liquids you consume and then turn them into nutrie…
5 Treatments For Arthritis
Arthritis is a medical condition related to musculoskeletal structure and mainly affects the joints. It is simply referred to as inflammation of joints and may be caused by joint erosion, tear in the …
5 Excellent Natural Treatments For Cholesterol
When we think of cholesterol, heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases naturally comes to our mind. Cholesterol, which is a lipid produced by the liver that helps us in performing vari…
6 Best Natural Treatments For Anxiety
It is normal to get anxious in certain situations. However, when you start worrying excessively or become tensed without any suitable reason, you are probably suffering from generalized anxiety disord…
11 Most Effective Natural Treatments For Prostatitis
The prostrate is a small gland that is located below men’s bladder and is an important part of the reproductive system that works by nourishing and transporting sperms. When this gland gets swollen an…
10 Best Natural Treatments For Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the most common among all types of cancers, and affects smokers as well as former smokers mostly. However, even non-smokers may develop this condition due to other causes. It may start …
8 Natural Treatments For Digestive Problems
Digestive problems can really be a huge tension as you’ll be prevented from having the appetizing foods made at home or outdoors. Your craving level for tasty foods rises higher, but you’ve to control…
6 Treatments For Burnt Skin
Burns generally occur on the external parts (skin) of our body. The burn causes irritation and frequent itching in normal cases. There are different types of burns such as first degree, second degree,…