Being fit and slim is not an easy job where we cannot avoid long sitting hours in office, alcohols in parties, junk food and many more. There should be a way out of this loop hole.
For better results right food with right exercise is a must; only food or herbs intake cannot help to reduce weight, there should be proper efforts in terms of healthy life style and exercises.
Many of the herbs are available in our kitchen itself and if taken regularly leads to long term weight loss effects. There are many herbal ways to reduce weight, but with these herbs you should avoid a healthy life style. Herbs useful in reducing a noticeable weight are:
There a medicines available in the market. Dose should be as suggested my dietitian or doctor. This does not have any harmful effect or any side effects. There are many herbal medicines available for this fruit but the result is short term. You can have Acai Berry Flower, fruit or in the form of drink soda.
IT is very helpful in the removal of toxins and hence better blood circulation and eventually weight loss. There medicine course is basically of 14 days and it will make you slim within 14 days but after that it will be your responsibility to be slim.
Intake of fennel seeds after meal is very helpful in digestion and increasing metabolism rate. It has a very pleasing smell and these seeds have been proven to be very helpful in weight control or even reducing . If taken regularly it is very helpful in long term weight loss effects. We should be very sure of the amount; it should not be taken more than 30 g in one dose.
If the intake is more than advice it can also leads to nausea, vomiting, seizures and respiratory problems and there are much adverse effects on pregnant women and the women with breast cancer. These fennel seeds have diuretic property which leads to melting of fat inside body and by excretion removal is done.
Garlic release a kind of hormone called adrenalin whose task is stimulation of nervous system which ultimately increasing metabolism rate. Not only in weight loss has garlic had lot of other benefits as well. SO garlic should be part of our daily diet. We have Garlic and papaya tablets available which can lead to great weight loss if taken before meal.
Ginger has the capability of triggering the metabolism rate which will lead to burning of fat . Ginger is available in the form of tea whose intake has the visible effect on the weight loss and it wills also helping the blood purification.
Cinnamon helps in reducing the blood sugar level down hence it is a resistant to weight increase.
Lemon grass is one of the herbs which can be prepared in any form like food, teas , drinks .This is also one of the herb which is help full in reduction of weight . It is really helpful with the healthy diet and regular exercise.
Warm water has proven to be very useful herb or natural element for weight loss. The intake of warm water with lemon juice and honey is taken as the first drink in the morning shows drastic change within 15 days.
Green also has the ability to increase the metabolism rate and providing energy at the same time. Green teas are available with many flavors like ginger, lemon, Honey etc. You can choose any that suits your taste.
Consumption of sweet and oily or fired l food should be avoided for losing weight and is they cannot be avoided they can be substituted. The sugar can be substituted by honey and Stevia which is a natural sweetener with no harmful effect. Only intake of herbs cannot help you to reduce the weight.
Being healthy is directly proportional to healthy life style, being slim and fit is in the routine. If your routine is healthy and balanced, it will automatically lead you towards a slim body. Exercise has no substitute for weight loss. Use stairs instead of lifts.
If your office is at much higher floor then use half stairs and half lifts. Exercise at least for 45 minutes for 3 days in a week. The first and the foremost step in the process of weight loss for being fit are to feel fit and slim. This might sound philosophical but that the perfect start in the process of getting fit.
Which no dietitian will tell you. Buy jeans, a dress or a pair of trouser which you always to get fit in. And keep it where you can see it every time you open your wardrobe. Be Honest to you, Stop saying nothing will happen with a slice of pizza. Coffee is something I can’t afford to live without.
Always remember if one slice of pizza can’t increase your weight than 100 meters walk can’t even decrease it. Get Motivated when you see change in yourself get motivated and add more of physical workout in your routine. Carry your own bags while shopping. Add a sports activity in your routine like tennis or badminton.
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