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5 Remedies For Bunions


If you stand uncomfortable with your shoes, yet you wear it for a long time, you may grow Bunions. This disorder is pretty common in mostly women than men because women wear heels that sometimes they can’t carry.On the flip side, men also slip into tight shoes and let the sweat take a toll on the toes for a long time thus making way for Bunions.Often Bunions flow down heredity wise and you stand all helpless. In this disorder, your toe grows way far than normal as the bone grows. You can always raise precautions and cures against Bunions at home, better not go for a surgery before trying the homely remedies.

Few Precautions

Wear right size of shoes: As Bunions crop up with wearing tight shoes so wear shoes correct to your toe size. Women, wear heels but make sure you’re comfortable walking on those. Better still, if you avoid heels at all if you’ve had Bunions lately. Preferably, wear sandals apart from wearing suffocating shoes.

Best Home Remedies For Bunions

Epsom Salt

It softens the skin and eradicates Bunions. Add some Epsom salt to water and soak your toes after wearing off the shoes. It reduces the appearance of fungus due to smoke and leaves you a fresh feeling. Heating pad hastens and corrects the blood flow.

Also, it relaxes the muscles. The pain that you pull in due to Bunions is relieved by the heating pad also. So, before going to bed, apply a heating pad to your foot and get a good sleep without fearing the pain.

Ice Pack

Ice gets you rid of the inflammation you’ve due to Bunions. Place 5-6 cubes in a plastic sandwich bag and apply the ice pack for 10-15 minutes and remove it to let your foot regain the warmth then again apply the pack.

Keep the process on until half an hour and rest assure to see positive results. Diabetic patients are requested not to apply ice pack.

Sling Pads

You’ll get hold of sling pads from any drug store around. It works the same as heat or ice pads.

The job is to relieve the foot from the pain and inflammation due to Bunions. Apply sling pads once a day until the Bunions disappear.

Aspirin Soak

Aspirin has anti-bacterial properties which is very important in a cure for Bunions. Crush 3-4 Aspirins and dilute with water. Then soak your foot in the solution for a few minutes. Aspirin can sometimes cause irritation or discomfort too. So if there is any kind of discomfort, keep away from Aspirin.

Castor Oil

This is a great cure for Bunions having properties of softening and soothing the skin. Also, this is anti fungal in nature. Make sure to always dilute castor oil with water before application because this is very thick and sticky.

You’ll need to heat 3-4 cups of Castor Oil in a sauce pan and warm it in low heat then add some water. Soak a cheese cloth or cotton cloth into it then apply on the affected area. To preserve the heat, secure a thin towel over the application and then rinse off. Repeat once in a day to hasten the relief.

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