Fever is the body’s way of combating an infection during illness or flu. It is not advisable to suppress it because the fever will help in killing virus and bacteria.
However, high fever could be quite perilous, especially for young children. Natural home remedies help in reducing fever without any side effects.
A tea prepared by using fenugreek seeds is an effective remedy for reducing the body temperature. Therefore, it is advisable to consume a tea made from fenugreek seeds two times a day. To make this tea take water (1/2 liter) in a vessel and add fenugreek seeds (1 tsp) into it. Boil for 15-20 minutes and then strain and drink the concoction.
Mix grapefruit juice along with water (both about half a glass) and consume this liquid two times a day. The extract of grapefruit is quite effective in bringing down the body temperature. During a fever the patient feels thirsty. Therefore, as an alternative to just water, the patient can drink this juice.
The energy in the body is reduced a lot due to fever and the person will feel quite weak. The juice of apricots with a bit of honey added to it will do wonders. Apricots are a rich source of minerals and vitamins, so eating them every day will ensure that you do not fall ill often.
Citrus fruits help to cleanse and remove the toxins in the body. During common fever, our body needs a lot of energy and oranges can provide the required energy to the body. Hence, eating oranges or drinking orange juice 2 to 3 times per day is quite helpful. The Vitamin C in oranges improves the immune system of the body. Also, a warm cup of lime juice along with a bit of honey added to it strengthens the immune system to fight against diseases.
The raisins are soaked overnight in water. The next morning they are crushed in water and strained. You can add a dash of lemon juice to the water, in case you do not like the taste. This water must be consumed two times per day, which will help in bringing down the fever soon.
The extract of neem leaves is mixed with honey. This is consumed three times a day to get relief from fever.
Fresh basil leaves (about 10 -15) are boiled in ½ liter of water. Sugar (1 tsp) and cardamom powder (1/2 tsp) is added to the decoction. This must be taken two times a day along with milk. This is one of the effective remedies for fever. It aids in reducing the temperature of the body quickly.
Boil a cup of water and add ½ tsp of saffron to it. Take 1 tsp of this liquid every hour. Continue to take this brew until the temperature is back to normal.
One must drink water as much as possible as it takes care of fluid loss in the body during fever.
Ginger is quite effective in curing various diseases and allergies. Add some lemon juice to ginger paste and consume it the first thing in the morning. It is recommended to take two times a day. Also, you can combine ginger and powdered raisins in water (200 ml). Concentrate till it is reduced to 50 ml. Strain the mixture and drink two times a day to get relief from fever.
Potato is a very good remedy for headache and fever. You can slice potato (one) and soak them in vinegar for about 10 minutes. Place these slices on the forehead. Take them off after a couple of minutes and continue to rest for some more time.
Garlic and olive oil are wonderful remedies for fever. Add 2 crushed cloves of garlic to olive oil (2 tbsp) and warm the mixture. Apply this mix to the base of the feet and then wrap it with plastic. Keep this for the whole night to get relief from fever. Garlic has the ability to penetrate the skin and destroy viral or bacterial infection that your body was fighting against.
Guava can help in reducing the temperature of the body. Prepare a juice from fresh guava and drink it to get quick relief from fever.
Turmeric powder is also quite beneficial in treating fever. It is also easily available. Just add turmeric powder (1 tsp) to milk (1 glass) and boil it. Drink this just before the bed time. It will help in relieving cough and cold as well.
Drink mint tea two times a day. This will not only cool the internal system, but reduces the body temperature as well.
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