The surface of the nostril has many blood vessels. When these blood vessels are broken, it causes nose bleeding. The blood vessels in the nose can break due to a fall, accident, sports injury and assault that causes trauma. Bleeding can be due to dry air and sneezing. Cold and allergy causes inflammation due to which the nose blood vessels can rupture. If you pick, scratch, rub and blow the nose, it can cause bleeding. High blood pressure and atherosclerosis can cause nosebleeds. Some blood thinning medicines may cause nosebleeds.
Allergy, high altitudes and respiratory infection are some other causes of nose bleeding. Elderly people suffer from nose bleeding due to shrunken and dry tissues. Most of the nosebleeds are harmless. When you have nose bleeding, you must sit straight and bend forward. Squeeze the nose with fingers and hold for some time until the bleeding stops.
Avoid lying down and leaning backwards. Blow the nose with force as it will remove any clot present in the nose. Apply an antibiotic ointment on the nose. Home remedies are very effective in treating nose bleeding. You must take help of the following home remedies for nose bleeding.
Best Home Remedies For Nose Bleeding
Dip cotton in white vinegar. Plug the bleeding nostril with this cotton. Leave the cotton on the nose for ten minutes. Vinegar contains acid, which cauterizes the internal part of the nose. The bleeding will stop due to this. You can do this remedy with apple cider vinegar also. Add two teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in warm water.
The water should be half glass. Drink this. Vinegar helps in sealing the broken blood vessel. Mix little vinegar with salt. Add some lemon juice to this and mix well. Dip cotton in this mixture, bring it close to the nose and sniff it. This will stop the bleeding.
Cayenne Pepper
Take one-teaspoon cayenne pepper in hot water. The amount of water should be one glass. Drink this water. Cayenne pepper spreads through the blood and controls pressure in hemorrhage area.
It helps in coagulating the blood quickly. You can apply the cayenne pepper in the internal part of the nose also.
If you have nose bleeding, take foods that contain zinc. Zinc helps in the maintenance of blood vessels. Whole wheat bread is a good source of zinc. Some other sources of zinc are brown rice, beans, popcorn, nuts and cereals.
Ice Pack
Ice stops the nose bleeding immediately as it constricts the blood vessels. Rub the head with ice cubes. You can also fill ice in a zip bag made of plastic.
Cover the zip bag with a towel. Compress the nose with this towel wrapped ice bag. Place it on the nose bridge until the bleeding stops.
Vitamin K
Eat foods that contain Vitamin K as it helps in blood clotting. Some foods that contain Vitamin K are herbs like dry basil, coriander, oregano, sage and thyme. Some fresh herbs such as parsley and basil also contain Vitamin K. Some other sources of Vitamin K are kale, green leafy vegetables, Swiss chard, spring onions, sea vegetables, cashew nuts, broccoli, cucumber, chestnuts, cabbage, cauliflower, prunes, tomato and Brussels sprouts.
Vitamin C
If you have nose bleeding, eat foods that contain Vitamin C as it helps in production of collagen. Collagen increases the moistness in the nose lining, which keeps the nose blood vessels healthy and prevents bleeding.
Therefore, eat orange and drink orange juice. Some other foods that contain Vitamin C are guava, papaya, carrot, tomato, apple, pineapple, banana, strawberries, grapefruit, kiwifruit, bell pepper, Lima beans, cucumber, broccoli and cauliflower.
Drink Water
Drink plenty of water as it hydrates the body. The air in the winter season and in mountains is dry due to which the nose also becomes dry and can cause nose bleeding. Drinking water prevents dryness of nose.
Nasal Irrigation
Nasal irrigation helps in soothing the nasal passage. It increases the moisture in the nasal membranes and removes irritation. Patients who suffer from allergy use nasal irrigation for removing dust and mucus from the nose. You can do nasal irrigation by adding equal amounts of salt and baking soda in lukewarm water. Fill an ear syringe with this water.
Close one nostril and fill the water with the help of the syringe in the other nostril. Bend on a sink and blow the nose so that the water is thrown out. Do this with the other nostril also and remove the water completely from the nose. Salt water helps in coagulating the blood. It adds humidity to the nasal passage, thus preventing nasal dryness that is responsible for nosebleeds.
Inhale Steam
Steam inhalation helps in curing nose bleeding. You can take steam by filling a pot with boiling water. Wrap a towel around your head.
Bend forward over the pot and breathe in the steam arising from the pot. Do not bend too near the pot, as the steam will burn your face and skin.
Vitamin E
Application of Vitamin E helps in moisturizing the nasal membranes. Break a Vitamin E capsule so that its liquid comes out. Dip cotton in the Vitamin E liquid and wipe the internal part of the nose with this cotton. You can also do this remedy with the pinky finger. You must do this remedy at night before sleeping.
Lemon Juice
Put few drops of lemon juice inside the nose. This remedy may cause some burning. Lemon juice contains citric acid, which will stop the nosebleed immediately.
Lemon has antiseptic properties and helps in coagulating the blood.
Witch Hazel And Yarrow
The herb Witch hazel can cure nose bleeding. You must drink witch hazel tea. To make the tea, steep the witch hazel herb in boiling water. You can also use yarrow leaves for stopping the nosebleed. You can apply the yarrow leaves on the nose wound. You can also take yarrow in the form of tea. You must consult a doctor before doing these remedies.
Put few drops of onion juice inside the nostrils. Onion juice helps in curing nose infection. You can mix the onion juice with mint leaf juice and put it inside the nose with the help of cotton.
Bring an onion slice near the nose. The onion fumes coagulate the blood and stop the bleeding.
Apply coriander leaf paste on the head. You can also inhale the coriander paste. Coriander is a useful remedy for curing nose bleeding due to heat.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.