Minor burns injury would occur when a person engages himself with some work related to the fire.
This may cause swelling or pain in the affected area. There are some home remedies through which the minor burn injuries can be healed easily and quickly.
Honey is the most excellent home remedy to get a quick recovery from minor burns. It has been considered a folk remedy to sterilize injuries and cure burns. When honey is applied over the infected area, it absorbs fluids from the tissues and efficiently heals the injury.
Honey maybe used to gauze to avoid stickiness rather than applying directly over the infected area. Place a drop of honey on a bit of sterile gauze and cover the infected area with the bandage. In order to get a quick recovery, this can be done thrice or four times a day.
Usually the minor burns would provide itching sensation to the victim as they heal. The itching can be avoided by putting the raw oatmeal into the container that is filled with warm water.
Immerse the infected area for 20 minutes into the water mixture and then take out. Then, allow the infected area to dry in order to a skinny covering of oatmeal stays on the skin.
Salt is the excellent home remedy for mouth burns. It can be healed by rinsing the mouth with the mixture of half-a- teaspoon of salt and water every alternate hour until the burn cures.
The mouth of a person can be affected by a minor burn due to the hotness of tea. The tannic acid present in black tea assists to absorb heat from a burn.
Put two to three tea bags under a spew out of cold water and gather the tea in a small basin. Softly wipe the fluid on the infected area. .
The minor burns can be easily cured by means of the Vinegar. It assists to prevent infection from burns. The vinegar can be attenuated with an equivalent amount of water and soak the infected area in the mixture.
The ice cube is the most excellent supplement to cure the tongue burn occurred due to sipping of hot coffee, hot soup, etc. It offers better relief than cold water.
To cure the tongue burns sucking an ice cube would give better results. Before sucking the ice cube, it should be soaked in water in order to avoid sticking with the lips or tongue.
Milk also is an excellent home remedy for minor burns. Soak the infected area in a cup of milk for fifteen minutes and repeat the process every alternate hour to get relief from pain. This can also be achieved by a piece of cloth soaked in milk.
Plantain leaves are the most famous home remedy for healing minor burns. Take some fresh plantain leaves, grind them and directly apply the juice onto the burn to get a quick recovery.
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