Toenail fungus is a condition that is linked with the occurrence of yellowing and thickening of nail/nails, due to the presence of fungus such as ringworm.
Apart from looking highly unpleasant, nail fungus is also a very painful condition. This problem can be easily dealt with, by utilizing natural treatment options. Given below is a list of strong natural treatment options for relieving symptoms of toenail fungus.
Tea tree oil is one of the most powerful natural treatment options for relieving symptoms of toenail fungus. Derived from tea tree leaf, tea tree oil has been used by traditional healers for treating fungal infections such as toenail fungus. Tea tree oil is regarded as a strong anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial agent, which helps to relieve this ailment, as well as prevent it from occurring again. For relieving symptoms of toenail fungus, medical experts advise applying undiluted tea tree oil to your toenail, thrice daily. However, if you suffer from skin irritation due to undiluted tea tree oil, you can also add tea tree oil to equal amounts of base oil, and apply to your toenail/toenails.
Thyme is another strong natural treatment option for relieving toenail fungus symptoms. Thyme has been utilized successfully for treating several fungal and bacterial conditions. The reason behind the usefulness of thyme for treating toenail fungus is that it is composed of thymol, which is a powerful chemical compound that helps to relieve this condition effectively. For relieving symptoms of toenail fungus, medical experts recommend soaking feet in thyme tea, made by adding ¾ cup of thyme leaves to 3 cups of water, and boiling it for 15-20 minutes. Do not take thyme tea orally without speaking to your physician regarding it. This is because thyme may interact with certain medications.
Neem is a powerful natural treatment option for relieving symptoms of toenail fungus. Native to India, neem has been utilized greatly for treating almost 60 types of fungal infections, including nail fungus. There are several active ingredients present in neem that help to treat numerous ailments, which include loss of appetite, skin conditions, diabetes, wounds, cough, and fever. For relieving symptoms of toenail fungus, medical experts recommend applying neem oil to the affected portions of skin. Do not take neem orally, unless prescribed by your physician.
Garlic is a strong natural treatment option for relieving toenail fungus effectively. Garlic cloves are composed of sulfur compounds such as allicin, and alliin. These active components deter the synthesis of lipids in fungi, which helps to suppress toenail fungus effectively. Apart from treating toenail fungus, garlic has also been used for relieving several infections, heart disease, and arthritis. Garlic can be ingested orally, as capsules or tablets, for relieving toenail fungus. However, it is important for you to speak to your physician before utilizing this natural treatment option for toenail fungus. This is because garlic suppresses utilization of iodine by the thyroid gland. Additionally, garlic may also interact with blood-thinning drugs.
Pau D’ arco is a strong natural treatment option that can be used for treating toenail fungus. Native to South and Central America, Pau d’ arco has been used for treating numerous infections. For relieving medical conditions, the bark of pau d’arco tree is mostly used for medicinal preparations. This natural treatment option displays the properties of an anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory agent, which relieves this medical ailment effectively. Before making use of pau d’ arco for treating toenail fungus, it is imperative that you seek advice from your doctor regarding its safety.
Vinegar is a powerful natural treatment option for treating toenail fungus. Apart from treating this condition, vinegar is also utilized for treating athlete’s foot. Vinegar has a high pH level, which helps to destroy fungus linked with this condition. For relieving toenail fungus, medical experts recommend soaking feet in a solution of 1 part vinegar to double the amount of water. You must soak your feet in this solution for 15-20 minutes. If you experience skin irritation as a result of using vinegar solution, reduce the concentration of this remedy. You must continue repeating this home remedy to experience relief from this ailment.
Best Natural Cure For Toenail Fungus
Top 10 Natural Cures For Toenail Fungus
Home Remedies For Toenail Fungus
Ginger is another natural treatment option that is highly effective for dealing with toenail fungus. Ginger contains gingerol, which is a strong chemical component that helps to kill bacteria inside the body. Apart from treating toenail fungus, ginger has also been used effectively for dealing with ailments such as joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, bacterial infections, and stomach ailments. This active component of ginger is responsible for its strong anti-inflammatory properties, which help to relieve swelling and inflammation linked with toenail fungus. For relieving toenail fungus, you can apply ginger paste to your toenail, or take ginger tea orally. You should drink ginger tea twice-thrice daily, for relieving this condition.
Licorice is another powerful treatmentoption that can be utilized for relieving toenail fungus effectively. Licorice has been regarded as one of the most potent anti-fungal herbs, which makes it highly effective for dealing with this problem. Licorice has been utilized extensively for treating respiratory ailments, immune system disorders, and joint pain. This natural treatment option is mostly taken orally as pills or tea. To make this herbal tea, add some dried licorice to a cup of water, and boil it for 10 minutes. Drink this tea twice daily, for treating toenail fungus effectively. Additionally, you can also apply licorice to your toenail/toenails, for relieving this problem. To prepare licorice foot rinse, add 5 teaspoons of powdered licorice root to a cup of boiling water, and allow it to steep for 15 minutes. After straining this mixture, soak cotton balls in this solution, and apply it to the affected portions. You can repeat this home remedy as many times as you desire, through the course of the day. If you experience skin irritation due to applying licorice topically, stop using this herb, and speak to your doctor. Medical experts recommend the intake of 400-1500 mg of licorice root daily, in divided doses, for relieving symptoms of toenail fungus effectively.
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