Categories: Natural Treatments

Effective Natural Treatments For Asthma


Asthma is an ailment that is linked with inflammation of airways, which causes the affected individual to suffer from breathlessness and cough. It is important to note that asthma is a long-term ailment, which cannot be cured completely. However, symptoms of asthma can be dealt with, by making use of natural treatment options.

It has been found out that asthma mostly occurs in women rather than men. The severity of asthma symptoms may vary from one person to another, which can be treated by natural remedies. Given below is a list of powerful natural treatments for asthma.

Best Natural Treatments For Asthma


Gingko is regarded as a strong natural treatment option for relieving asthma symptoms. Native to china, this natural treatment has been used by Chinese herbalists for treating numerous respiratory and heart ailments. This natural treatment is composed of flavonoids, and a terpenoid named gingkolide B, which help to ease asthma symptoms. This active component helps to suppress activity of PAF, which is responsible for inflammation linked with asthma.

Additionally, gingko biloba is also regarded useful for preventing the occurrence of asthmatic attacks caused by allergies or exercise. Speak to your physician before taking gingko biloba, especially if you use blood thinners or aspirin.


Coleus is a natural treatment that is part of the mint family, and is considered beneficial for relieving asthma effectively. This herb is considered a natural treatment option for several ailments such as cough, epilepsy, colic, heart disease, and other respiratory ailments.

This natural treatment option is composed of forskolin, which is a chemical component that helps to reduce inflammation linked with asthma. Forskolin is also a major component of several asthma inhalers available in Europe. Coleus can be taken orally as tablets. Before using coleus for treating asthma, speak to your doctor.


Butterbur is another natural treatment option for dealing with asthma symptoms. Native to Europe, the leaves and root of butterbur have been utilized for dealing with kidney stones, migraine, and asthma. The reason behind the effectiveness of butterbur for treating asthma is due to a chemical component known as petasin, which deters activity of histamine and leukotriene inside the body. These chemical compounds are responsible for triggering inflammation linked with asthma.

According to a research study published in “Alternative Medicine Review”, it was noted that asthma patients who used butterbur experienced 50 percent less asthma attacks, and the severity of asthma symptoms were reduced by 80-90 percent. The participants of the research study were required to take butterbur extract for a period of two months. Although research studies have shown the effectiveness of butterbur for treating asthma, medical experts do not recommend replacing traditional medications. Speak to your doctor about the dosage of butterbur extract for treating asthma.


Lobelia, commonly known as Indian tobacco, is another strong natural treatment option for dealing with asthma. This herb has been utilized for dealing with cough, pneumonia, bronchitis, and other respiratory ailments. This natural treatment option displays the properties of an antioxidant, and expectorant.

These medicinal properties of lobelia help to eliminate mucus from the respiratory tract, which eases asthma symptoms. You can take lobelia in the form of liquid extract, or capsules, for treating asthma symptoms. Before using this natural treatment option for asthma, inform your doctor if you are currently on medication.


Ginger is a strong natural treatment option for asthma. For hundreds of years, herbalists have made use of ginger for treating several conditions such as arthritis, allergies, bronchitis, stomach ailments and heart disease. Ginger is composed of gingerol, which is a chemical ingredient that exhibits expectorant and antioxidant properties. According to a research study published in “Journal Of Agricultural Food And Chemistry”, it was observed that ginger is helpful for reducing the frequency of asthmatic attacks linked with phthalate ester.

Another research study printed in “Canadian Journal Of Physiology And Pharmacology” showed that ginger helps to reduce airway contractions, which eases asthma symptoms. For relieving asthma symptoms, medical experts recommend drinking ginger tea thrice daily. Additionally, you can also take ginger capsules for treating asthma.


Khella is another natural treatment option that is used greatly for dealing with asthma symptoms. Herbalists have successfully utilized this herbal medicine for treating chronic asthma. Apart from treating asthma, khella has been used greatly for treating conditions such as angina, and obstructive pulmonary disease as well.

This natural treatment option displays potent antispasmodic activity on the bronchioles, which relieves asthma symptoms. However, it is important to note that khella works slowly, but provides great relief from asthma symptoms. Speak to your doctor before taking khella for treating asthma symptoms.

Also Read

Top 6 Herbs For Asthma
Top 6 Home Remedies For Asthma
Top 16 Herbal Remedies For Asthma


Garlic is a potent natural treatment option for asthma symptoms. Garlic displays the properties of an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-bacterial agent, which helps to relieve symptoms of asthma by enhancing immune system, and reducing constriction of airways.  For treating symptoms of asthma, medical experts recommend taking garlic capsules or tablets orally. Additionally, you can also make use of raw garlic for dealing with this condition.


Turmeric is regarded as a powerful natural treatment option for relieving asthma symptoms. Turmeric is used greatly for treating medical ailments such as diabetes, cancer, and arthritis. Turmeric is helpful for treating asthma due to its high concentrations of curcumin. Curcumin is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, which decreases constriction of airways. COX-2 and LOX are two enzymes responsible for inflammation, which can be easily suppressed by making use of turmeric.

According to a research study published in “Biological And Pharmaceutical Bulletin”, it was observed that curcumin extract helps to reduce symptoms of asthma in guinea pigs. Another research study printed in “Archives Of Medicinal Research”, it was observed that turmeric helps to treat asthma symptoms, and it’s effectiveness is at par with dexamethasone, which is a powerful steroid used for treating asthma. Turmeric capsules or tablets can be taken for treating asthma symptoms. Do not eat high amounts of turmeric, as it may cause intestinal problems. Additionally, diabetics should exercise precaution when using this natural treatment, as it may alter levels of blood sugar in the body.

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