Categories: Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies For Amenorrhea


The word “amenorrhea” means, the absence of menstrual bleeding. This condition could indicate two things. If a girl, who has attained the age of sixteen has not yet started menstruating or a woman, who is at the end of the cyclic menstruation is still menstruating.  There are several reasons for amenorrhea, which include weight loss similar to that experienced by people suffering from anorexia nervosa. This symptom could lead to complete halt of menstruation. The same can happen when extreme exercises are performed like running in a marathon, professional ballet dancing and bodybuilding.

Young college going women can also experience amenorrhea. This could be because of stress, or a reflex action to migration. During pregnancy and breast-feeding, the menstrual cycle stops naturally, women who use contraceptives would experience a disturbance in the menstrual cycle once they discontinue the drug because it takes time for the hormones to get back to normalcy. A few herbal remedies for amenorrhea are discussed below.

Effective Herbal Remedies For Amenorrhea

Lemon Balm

This herb has been used for ages to treat amenorrhea and other problems related to the menstrual cycle in women. Lemon balm is known to facilitate the menstrual cycle and helps in reducing the pain and cramps associated with periods.

Lemon balm is an effective remedy for headaches and migraines caused due to amenorrhea. Studies have revealed that the healing powers of this herb are actually true.

Angelica Sinensis

Angelica root is known to enhance the woman’s reproductive system. In the Chinese traditional medicine, this herb is used to treat hormone irregularities.

It greatly helps in the production of blood after menstruation and helps in boosting certain hormones to regularize and normalize a woman’s menstrual cycle. A research conducted in Italy proved the positive benefits of angelica on the gynecological issues in women, specifically amenorrhea.

Blue Cohosh

Blue Cohosh is an herb that has traditionally been used in Ayurveda and in many other cultures around the world. Blue cohosh is known to be an effective menstruation and uterine stimulant.

It is an auterine tonic, which belongs to emmenagogues, which has the capacity to induce menstrual bleeding. The phytochemical calulopsonin present in blue cohosh boosts the blood flow in the pelvic area. When there is a delay in the menstrual cycle blue cohosh is known to get the menstrual bleeding started again.

Chaste Berry

Chaste berry is another herb that is known to induce menstruation by balancing the hormones, specifically the ones associated with progesterone and estrogen.

For the normal and regular period cycle to happen it is important for the hormonal balance to be maintained. Chaste berry also plays a significant role in the fertility of women because of its quality of balancing the hormones.


Cinnamon is a spice of Asian Origin. This spice is known to heal several health problems and one among them is amenorrhea. One of the studies found that girls in their adolescence used herbs and spices to treat amenorrhea and the most well known spice was cinnamon. This herb can be used very easily.


Take about ½ teaspoon of cinnamon and add it to one glass of milk, which is warm, stir it well and drink it every day. Repeat this regularly to see better results. Cinnamon also plays an important role in reducing weight as it facilitates the sugar to be burned at a faster pace than it does normally. An ideal weight is essential to make sure your period cycle is normal.


Saffron is known to have cleansing properties, which assist in eliminating the toxins from the body, and is an effective antioxidant. In order to cleanse your body in and out all you need to do is add a pinch of saffron to some water and allow it to boil. Let it remain for some time until it cools down.

Drinking this infusion frequently throughout the day works as an effective cleanser. Saffron is known to be beneficial in the treatment of amenorrhea in various ways. Since it is enriched with antioxidants, it handles the chronic and acute inflammatory issues and allows you to sleep, which in turn reduces the stress levels and enables you to relax. Reducing stress greatly helps in normalizing the monthly menstrual cycle.

Other Herbal Remedies

Dill weed is an herbal plant that is traditionally used in cooking as well as medicine. This is a great remedy to treat amenorrhea. Sweet fennel is another herb that is quite effective in stimulating menstrual cycle.

The isoflavonoids and flavonoids present in licorice helps in regulating the balance between progesterone and estrogen and improve the hormonal secretion, which is usually responsible for absence of period.

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