Arteriosclerosis is the hardening of the blood vessels known as arteries. The blood vessels are supposed to be elastic and flexible but too much pressure in the vessels can make it difficult for the vessels carry oxygen and nutrients. The walls of the vessels become stiff and thick and it leads to problems in the heart. The causes of the problem are; high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, and similar problems.
The symptoms of the condition are; chest pain, weakening of the limbs, difficulty in speaking, etc. Here are the best known herbal remedies for arteriosclerosis.
Best Herbal Remedies For Arteriosclerosis
Hawthorn is a traditional herb and it is being used for centuries to cure arteriosclerosis. It removes the arteriosclerotic deposits from the arteries and clears the passage for the blood and oxygen flow.
It prevents cardiovascular to prevent the problem from happening and strengthens the arteries making it flexible again. Use around 300 to 600 mg of the extracts of the herb. Take the dosage 3 times a day without fail and the treatment to be continued for 6 months for best results.
Garlic is one of the best herbal remedies for arteriosclerosis. It is an herb known to serve the internal organs of the human body and it especially helps the heart in functioning.
It blocks the formation of new plaque by lowering the cholesterol, LDL and prevents damage to the arteries. The typical dosage of garlic is 900 mg of powder regularly. In case the powder is not available, you can consume a whole garlic bulb a day.
The herb is 300 million years old and it is basically a medicinal plant serving the human body in many ways. It cures Alzheimer’s disease, enhances memory, reduces anxiety, etc. For arteriosclerosis, the herb increases the blood circulation to all the parts of the body.
It makes the blood thinner so that the blood doesn’t get stuck or jammed somewhere in the pressured arteries. It prevents hemorrhage in this way. Take around 40 to 80 mg of the extract of the herb. Take the dose at least 2 and maximum 3 times a day.
Ginger has many medicinal properties like garlic. It is usually used in cooking with garlic for better taste and nutritional benefits. Ginger thins the blood so that the blood can pass through the arteries without difficulty.
It reduces platelet aggregation and lowers the cholesterol in the arteries. It is also known to reduce blood pressure and making the arteries flexible. Take around 4 to 5 grams of ginger regularly and have it four times a day for best results.
Cayenne is one of the best herbal remedies for arteriosclerosis. It comes under the peppers category, and stimulates the flow of blood, lowering cholesterol. It keeps away the clotting of blood and increases the output of the heart, capillary resistance and strengthens the blood vessels.
Take around 2 grams of cayenne regularly. You can take this with your meals or with water. Take the dosage for a month to start getting results. It is good to make it a habit for life to consume peppers regularly.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.