Bitot’s’s spots are nothing but distinct white coloured patches that are seen on the conjunctiva of the eyes. The conjunctiva is the membrane that covers the portions of the eye that are visible to us. Bitot’s spots can lead to a serious condition known as Xerophthalmia. Malnutrition and deficiency in vitamin A can lead to these conditions. It is associated with symptoms like dry hair and dry skin, dry cornea, prone to ear and urinary infection, respiratory infection, nervous problems, skin sores and even night blindness.
The first and foremost important treatment for Bitot’s Spots is definitely making dietary changes. Some of the effective herbal remedies for Bitot’s Spots are:
Best Herbal Remedies For Bitot’s Spots
This is very effective herbal remedy for Bitot’s’s Spots. There are various ways in which this herb can be taken in. You can drink about ¼ glass of bilberry juice every day to improve vision.
You can also make a powder of the berries and mix 1 teaspoon of this powder to ½ glasses of water and drink. To make tea, you will need about 1-2 teaspoons of dried bilberry leaves. Put them in cup and pour hot water from the top. Let it stand for 10-12 minutes. Strain and drink this herbal tea daily.
This herb found in South Africa is an effective way of curing Bitot’s spots. Take about 15-20 gm of rooibos leaves and make the tea in the normal process. There are many online shops which sell this tea.
Place the tea leaves in a teapot and add boiling water. Let the mixture stand for some time. Strain the liquid using a sieve. Add brown sugar and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Drinking 1-2 cups of this tea every day can greatly improve your vision and also keep your eyes healthy.
Sutherlandia Frutescens Or Thyme
This herb not only improves your vision but is also known to boost the immunity levels. This herb is also taken in the form of herbal tea. Drinking this herbal tea 1-2 times daily can improve your vision and treat Bitot’s Spots effectively within few months.
Even thyme has a high content of vitamin A and hence can be taken to treat the symptoms of Bitot’s Spots. Thyme can added to any dishes to enhance its flavour. Thyme also improves your vision; however the dosage should be confirmed with herbalists before consumption.
Take few fresh rosemary leaves in a cup. Add boiling water and let it steep for 5-6 minutes. Strain the liquid and drink every day to cure the symptoms of this disease.
Rosemary contains vitamin A and hence can be taken regularly to improve vision. You can also grind the leaves of this herb and use them to make rosemary herbal coffee. Add ginger to the herbal tea to improve its flavour. Do not steep for a long time as it can get bitter.
Peppermint also contains vitamin A and can be added to recipes to give a distinct flavour. This herb is prescribed by naturopaths to people who have eye problems. You can also make herbal tea using fresh peppermint leaves.
Add few peppermint leaves to a cup of boiling water and allow the mixture to steep for few minutes. Strain and drink this tea regularly to get positive results.These are few of the effective herbal remedies for Bitot’s Spots. Refer to a doctor before trying any of these remedies.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.