Breastfeeding is a boon for the new-born baby, and is equally challenging step of motherhood. The pleasure turns into pain that the lactating mother faces sometimes in the form of mastitis, thrush, sore nipples etc. This is where herbal treatments are put to use .However lactating mothers required to carefully choose the remedies that are totally safe and provide them relief at the same time.
A group of herbs called galactogues is an example of a safe herbal remedy.A variety of other herbs are calendula in the form of ointment, tea tree, cleavers, yarrow, marigold, combined together, dandelion root tree,- can actually increase the flow of milk, while the others are used to dry the flow at the time of weaning without causing soreness
Effective Herbal Remedies For Breastfeeding Pain
This is a group of herbs that not only accentuate the milk flow but also adds nutrients thereby reducing the pain in the nipples and areolas while breastfeeding.
It comprises of fenugreek, thistles, nettles, and fennels. However these need to be consumed in limited quantity that is 1200 to 1800 mg, no more than thrice a day…
This herb (Rosmarinus officinalis) has to be infused. For infusion, 2-4 tsps. Of fresh or dried rosemary is added to one cup of water that is boiled. It is then steeped for 10 minutes, thereafter it is strained. These infused herbs help in easing the discomforts in breastfeeding. Majority of mothers feeding babies find the process painful.
Rosemary is one of the best herbs for relieving pain during breastfeeding. Black tea leaves as well as cabbage leaves can help with sore nipples. Some herbs that can help include calendula blossoms, marshmallow root, and plantain. These herbs are available in cream format, or you can use them in a hot breast compress.
(Withania somnifera): An herb of Indian origins not only anti-inflammatory, but a painkiller too, also mildly sedative, and also helps in blood cell building.
This is a highly beneficial herb with multiple uses such as pain in the breast, anxiety, postpartum depression PCOS, and PMS. As it can have side effects such as suppression of respiratory functions when consumed excessively, one should consult a physician before using it.
Black Haw
(Viburnum prunifolium): is mostly used for heavy PMS or for pain in case of uterine fibroids or endometriosis.It lessens the contractions during child-birth.
Lactating mothers are advised to take it when faced with acute pain during the For breastfeeding mothers it has been shown fine to use for acute situations where pain is present.Persistant and long term use of this herb is not recommended.
Lemon Balm
(Melissa officinalis): is a stress relieving herb which can be taken in the form of infusion to provide relief from the pain caused due to breastfeeding.Not only this it also provides a good support system to the nerves. As it interferes with the functioning of thyroid glands, women with hypothyroid should refrain from using this herb .
The dose should not exceed more than one cup per day. Also it should not be used for a long period of time. Tincture of Echinacea,3-4 times/day is the dosage required to relieve mothers of acute breast pain.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.