The heart is the most significant organ in the entire body and it is responsible for providing oxygen rich blood to all the tissues. When the heart experiences a lot of stress due to constant high blood pressure or arrhythmia, a long-term condition known as cardiomyopathy occurs. This disorder is a disease associated with the heart, which makes the heart weak and enlarged. This issue is also associated with coronary artery problems, heart failure, hardening of the arteries and atherosclerosis.
Even though there are loads of prescription medicines available for the treatment of cardiomyopathy, some herbal remedies are known to be beneficial too. It is always advised to consult a doctor before taking any kind of treatment. A few herbal remedies for cardiomyopathy are discussed below.
Hawthorn belongs to the rose family and has a great history in treating the issues related to the heart. This herb is a tiny shrub with thorns. The flowers and leaves of the plant possess huge amounts of antioxidants, which also includes oligomeric procyandins and quercetin.
Hawthorn is known to be beneficial in the treatment of cardiomyopathy because it helps in improving the functions of the heart, which deal with congestive heart failure and relieves chest pain or angina. The extract of this herb is known to be effectual in the treatment of coronary artery disease, heart failure and atherosclerosis. It also helps in reducing the blood pressure.
Terminalia arjuna is an evergreen tree, which is primarily found in India and the bark of this tree is used as a medicine. This herb is effective in treating the symptoms of cardiomyopathy and heart failure caused due to congestion.
Arjuna helps in improving the muscle function of the heart and the blood pumping performance by adding strength to the coronary arteries. It also reduces blood pressure and decreases pain.
Coleus forskohlii or coleus is an herb that belongs to the mint family. The leaves and root of this herb contain high amounts of a compound known as forskolin. The extract of the herb contains forskolin, which is known to be effective in the treatment of cardiomyopathy.
This compound is beneficial in improving the functions of the heart and also increases the contraction of the heart, reduces the blood pressure without elevating the oxygen requirement of the heart and dilates the coronary arteries.
Dan shen is also known as salvia miltiorrhiza. It is also referred to as root sage and cinnabar root. The root of this herb is coarse and is purple black in color. It is used as a medicine. This is a famous Chinese herb, which has been used popularly to treat angina and atherosclerosis.
This herb relaxes the soft muscles in the coronary artery, improves the contractions of the heart, and enhances the circulation of blood to the heart. This herb prevents the damage caused to the heart due to cardiomyopathy.
This popular herb is known to possess healing powers. It helps in curing several health ailments including cardiomyopathy and other heart related problems.
In order to achieve beneficial results it is recommended to take this herb on a daily basis for at least a few weeks to experience some relief from this condition.
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