A widespread issue rampant not only amongst infant who use diapers but also amongst the disabled and old as well. Even some obese people have a tendency of procuring diaper rash. It is a skin ailment that happens in the area covered by the diapers that is the inner thighs and sometimes it spreads to the buttock as well.
It is actually the skin of those areas getting exposed to moisture that eats and brings about swelling and tenderness to the area. This generally has a host of causes such as the constant contact of skin with urine and faeces, constant friction that causes abrasions, reaction to plastic or the material of diapers, and many others.
It can be easily identified by its appearance that is there is redness and has pimples scattered, the affected area is glossy and very painful to touch. There are excellent herbal remedies to provide instant relief to this problem and one can easily resort to these treatments as the ailment itself is not very serious. Some of these herbal remedies with sure shot solutions are listed below.
Herbal Remedies For Diaper rash
This Chinese herb belongs to the family of peony. Coptis roots are extremely beneficial as it is an astringent, therefore helps in cooling the heated and flared up rashes.
It is highly beneficial in eradicating the infection caused by the germs that spread the rashes as it has antiseptic and antifungal properties. It can be ground into powder and after mixing it with corn-starch powder one can powder the affected area with it.
Chamomile Â
This herb is also an excellent treatment in diaper rashes. It is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial in nature; therefor it culls any further inflammation and stops the bacteria from spreading.
Topical application of this herb is more fruitful that oral medication as it is widely available in the form of cream and powdering the local markets. It is usually used for rashes caused due to allergies.
This herb like calendula can be added to water and applied to the affected area as this herb is a specialist in healing wounds and rashes and also prevents the infection from spreading due to its anti-bacterial qualities.
This is best used in the form of lotions as the application brings immense relief to the aggravated rashes. to and the use of this herb Use Calendula Cream, applying as directed on the label. Cover the entire diaper rash. Calendula promotes wound healing and prevents viral infection.
Evening Primrose
The oil of this herb is highly beneficial that can be made by pressing the tiny seeds .These seeds can also be ground to get the same result. It can be applied after every change of the diaper as it is anti-inflammatory.
It is also available in the form of lotion that aids in soothing and healing the rashes. The period of application will continue till the time the rashes get completely healed.
This herb can be used as a cream or as an ointment or even a poultice. The juice of this herb is equally beneficial in treating skin disorders such as diaper rashes.
It has to be used as a topical application essentially and not meant to be consumed. The milder rashes can be easily cured by chickweed oil, while the aggravated ones would require the lotions and poultices for quick recovery.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.