Edema is a disorder in the tissues of the body due to the filling up of the tissues with fluid. The limbs, feet and other parts of the body suffer from inflammation. It is seen in a lot in pregnant women. The causes of the disorder are; kidney diseases, leakage from the capillaries, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, excessive alcohol intake, chain smoking and previous surgeries. The symptoms of the problem are; fainting, coughing blood, wheezing, chest and neck pain, sweating too much and the skin getting pale.
There are convention medicines to cure the problem but because it is not good for a pregnant woman to take usual medication, herbal cures are considered to be a better option by many. Here are some of the best herbal remedies for edema during pregnancy:
Best Herbal Remedies For Edema During Pregnancy
Dandelion has a tendency to relieve you of inflammation. Dandelion leaves are known worldwide for curing the problem of edema as their leaves contain minerals and vitamins that are required to make your body stronger from the inside and get rid of the problems causing edema. Boil water and add fresh dandelion leaves to it. After around 10 minutes, strain it and drink it. Have not more than 2 cups of this.
Comfrey slows down the swelling in the affected areas just like a dandelion. You may boil around four to five cups of water and add comfrey to the boiling water.
Keep the water boiling for around 10 minutes, strain your tea and have it only 1 time a day during pregnancy. You may also place a cloth soaked in comfrey tea on the affected area to soothe the pain.
Coltsfoot is one of the best known herbal remedies for edema during pregnancy. It is also used to treat sore throat. However, it is not recommended people with a weak liver and people suffering from liver disorders or diseases.
The dosage of coltsfoot is not defined and to consume it one needs to consult a practitioner. During pregnancy avoid drinking tea made out of coltsfoot and use the herb as an application for the skin.
Mustard is long known for the amazing benefits its oil can give us. Years ago when medicines were only herbal, mustard oil used to be very beneficial for the bones, skin and overall development of the human body.
Even today people massage their infants with the oil to strengthen the tissues, nerves, bones, joints and protect the delicate organs in the body. You may warm some mustard oil and massage the inflamed area at least twice a day for faster healing of the disorder.
Coriander is usually known for the flavor it gives to our meals. However, coriander seeds could be really helpful in curing some serious difficulties in the body. You may take a spoon of coriander seeds and boil it with a glass of water until 5 to 7 minutes.
Now take the juice two times a day, not more when you’re pregnant. This is considered one of the best herbal remedies for edema during pregnancy. You may also apply a paste of coriander seeds and flax seeds in the affected area for relief from pain.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.