Insomnia, generally called sleeplessness, is a health condition characterized by difficulty in falling asleep, maintaining sleep, or both. Insomnia can not only ruin your energy levels and mood, but also can spoil your health, work performance and day to day life.
Using herbal remedies is the best way to deal with insomnia, because they are effective in treating the underlying causes of sleeplessness. Mentioned below are the best herbal remedies for insomnia.
11 Herbal Remedies For Insomnia
Hops Tea
Hops tea is considered to be one of the most effective herbal remedies for insomnia because of its sedative and hypnotic functions. This is widely used to treat insomnia related to worry, nerve weakness and alcohol abuse.
It is a great supplement to improve the functioning of your nervous, endocrine and digestive system. Drinking Hops tea will also relieve headaches and cough. For effectiveness, this herb is sometimes used with valerian root and St. john’s wort.
Herbalists recommend to use two teaspoons of dried hops flowers added to a cup of boiling water, steeped for 5 minutes. You can drink one cup of this tea two to three times daily.
Lavender is a natural sedative herb that cures sleeping problems with its relaxing and calming abilities. The scent of lavender itself has a soothing and calming effect. Lavender is also effective in treating irritability, which can lengthen your total sleep time and increase deep sleep.
Lavender tea, along with lavender flowers, fresh mint leaves, rose geranium and lemon balm is a very good remedy to induce sleep quickly. These days, lavender comes in variety of products like gels, lotions, aromatherapy oils, extracts, infusion and as tinctures. Few drops of lavender essential oil can also be used in bath, in sleeping pillows or ceramic oil burners of your bedroom.
Valerian RootÂ
Valerian is another traditional sedative herb used in treating conditions like anxiety and muscle spasm, which is especially effective in relieving sleep disorders like insomnia.
Valerian root is available in market in the form of tea, capsules and liquid extracts. Typical dosage for sleeplessness is between 200 mg to 400 mg, to be taken 30 minutes before bedtime. For effective dosage, it is advised to consult your doctor.
German ChamomileÂ
Chamomile is a natural sedative herb having relaxing and calming effects. It contains a compound called chrysin that relieves anxiety. It also contains an antispasmodic called spiroether which is a good muscle relaxant and eases period pain.
Chamomile tea contains an active ingredient known as bisabolol that is well known for its anti inflammatory, anti irritant and anti microbial properties. All these factors remedy sleeping problems effectively.
For treating insomnia, a cup of chamomile tea should be taken one hour before bed time. It helps in digestion as well. Chamomile can also be used externally, by adding few drops of the essential oil in your bath.
St John’s WortÂ
This is wonder herb having many useful qualities. In long term, it is very effective for insomnia and also for depression. This herb gradually affects your sleep cycle by deepening it and also increases your sleeping hours. Even though it takes some time to work, the results are great.
For treating insomnia, this herb can be used as tablets, capsules, or tincture. The average recommended dose is 300 mg of standardized extract containing 0.3% hypericin, two to three times a day.
Passion FlowerÂ
Passion flower is another sedative herb that has a history of being used for disturbed sleep problems like insomnia, anxiety, irritability and restlessness. The active compounds of this herb work on the GABA receptors in the brain to develop feelings of relaxation and sedation.
It is an analgesic and sleep inducer that improves your sleep quality and decreases the amount of time needed to fall asleep. For treating insomnia, the average dose of passionflower is 1 to 2 g of the dried plant material up to 3 times a day. It is best when taken as a tea, one hour before sleep.
Maca RootÂ
Maca is a rare, enriched herb that grows in volcanically enriched soils, high up in the Peruvian Andes. Studies show that it contains high quantities of vitamins B1, B2, B12, C and E, along with healthy phytonutrients, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium and iron.
Maca lessens aches and pain, balances moods, helps adapt to stress and promotes deep sleep. It is also believed to increase libido and slow down the aging process. Maca root is available in powder, capsule and extract forms. The recommended dose for treating insomnia is around 1 tablespoon of powder every day. Higher doses are also seen to be effective without any kind of side effects.
Sage or salvia officinalis is a safe sleep remedy. To help you sleep well, you can make and drink sage tea, but instead, it is recommended to add sage in your regular diet, in cooking, as a culinary herb. This combats insomnia more efficiently.
Sage can be used as a spice, especially in fatty foods. It also helps the digestion process. It is available both in fresh and dried forms in markets.
Celery SeedÂ
This herb is useful in the treatment of nervousness, anxiety and insomnia. Celery seed contains vitamins A, C and B complex. It is mostly used for its good aroma and flavor. It is one of the best spice ingredients used around the globe.
It is available in the form of whole seeds, tea, powder, capsules and essential oil. Essential oil can be used for massage or aromatherapy. Before you use this herb, consult a doctor or herbalist for proper dosage.
Kava Kava
This is another sedative herb helpful in treating insomnia, anxiety and muscle pain. The active compounds in kava are kavalactones that reduce convolutions of brain and increase the levels of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), thereby promoting relaxing effect on muscles and nerve impulses.
This improves your sleep quality, enhances your mood and gives you a feeling of well being. Sometimes, it is used in combination with valerian for effectiveness. Typically, 100 mg to 250 mg of kava is prescribed for sleep related disorders, one to three times daily. For effective dosage to suit your condition and further information about usage, you must talk to a doctor.
Siberian GinsengÂ
Siberian ginseng is a popular Chinese herb used in treating various health issues. It is an effective herb used to counter the effects of stress and restore the equilibrium of body.
It strengthens your brain and nervous system, thereby making you less likely to become a victim of mood imbalances. As a result of these effects, your sleep patterns improve considerably. Treating insomnia is a side effect of Siberian ginseng, so you must be careful while using this herb. Always consult a specialist doctor or a herbalist for proper dosage and instructions.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.