Categories: Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies To Lose Weight


Obesity and overweight are serious problems today concerning millions of people worldwide. Some people use medications and weight loss supplements to lose weight, while others go for expensive and painful methods like surgery.

However, the ultimate goal should not only be losing weight, but losing it in a healthy manner without any kind of side effects. Using herbal remedies to lose weight is proved to be the healthiest way to deal with this problem. Listed below are the most effective herbal remedies to lose weight in a healthy way.

10 Herbal Remedies To Lose Weight

Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia gordonii is a cactus-like plant that has become a common ingredient in diet pills because it curbs hunger without any side effects. The herb contains steroidal glycosides which react with your brain and signal that your body’s blood glucose level is high.

This is a typical reaction that occurs after eating. As a result of this, you will have get a feeling of fullness and therefore, your appetite would be suppressed. It can be bought as a supplement.

The dosage for weight loss varies by brand, but it is typically around one to two capsules per day. However, it is better to consult a doctor or a herbalist before taking any kind of supplement.


Psyllium is a kind of soluble fiber that is derived from an Indian herb called Plantaginis ovatae. It is a very good laxative that is effective in weight loss treatment. Generally, your body stores unused glucose as fat cells.

Psyllium is believed to lower the levels of glucose in your bloodstream. It also absorbs liquids in your digestive system, which gives a feeling of fullness in your stomach, thereby reducing your temptation to eat fat foods.

Psyllium can sometimes cause breathing difficulties. So, if you are planning to take Psyllium for losing weight, talk to your doctor for proper instructions and dosage.

Acai Berry

Acai Berry contains many vitamins and minerals that aid in weight loss. It is rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, fiber and other plant compounds that increase your overall energy and improve your health tremendously.

It is available in the form of liquid extract, powder and capsules. The best way to use this herb is in the form of liquid extract, because the nutrients will be super concentrated.

You can also take the capsules available in the market, but make sure you choose a good brand and follow the instructions carefully. Note that this herb should be taken 30 minutes before eating a meal and it is most effective when combined with a healthy diet and regular physical activity.


Cayenne, also known as hot pepper or chili pepper, is a popular herb that is also useful for weight loss. Capsaicin is the active chemical compound in Cayenne that is believed to reduce hunger and also helps your body in burning fat more efficiently.

Be careful while using this drug as excessive use can irritate your intestinal tract. For proper dosage to suit your condition, consult your physician.

Bitter Orange

The other common names of this herb are seville orange, sour orange and citrus aurantium. It contains an alkaloid called synephrine that aids weight loss. It works by increasing your metabolism and helping the body lose excess fat.

Generally, 32 mg per day of synephrine is prescribed for obese individuals. However, it is advised to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and never exceed the recommended dose. Also, note that Bitter orange should be used with caution if you suffer from high blood pressure or heart disease.


Ginger is a popular herb and spice that is commonly used in Asian countries. The active compounds in ginger are volatile oils and compounds such as shogaols and gingerols, which have the ability to lower your blood glucose levels.

Ginger is also believed to enhance your body’s ability to metabolize fats from the food you take. This will prevent your body from storing excess fat. Standard doses of Ginger for losing weight should contain 4 percent volatile oils or 5 percent total of 6-gingerol or 6-shogaol.

You can take 75 to 2,000 mg of this herb in divided doses with your meals. If you are using Ginger in your foods, make sure not to consume more than 4 g daily, because excess use of this herb can occasionally cause heartburn.


This herb regulates your blood sugar levels and controls your craving for sweets and desserts. It is effective in increasing fat oxidation, i.e., processing of body fat to release energy. In this way Licorice helps to control obesity.

Licorice is available as oil, capsules and tea. For proper dosage and instructions, you must consult a doctor.

Ginseng Tea

Ginseng boosts up lipid metabolism in your body and promotes weight loss. Ginseng tea is made from dried root of this herb. It increases your overall energy, supports your immune system function and also promotes weight loss.

This unsweetened tea hardly contains any calories and therefore, is a very good alternative to sugary soft drinks and other calorie-rich beverages. Standard dosage of Asian ginseng for losing weight is 200 mg of the extract daily.

Ginseng tea can be prepared by adding  1 to 2 teaspoonfuls of Ginseng tincture to a cup of boiling water.  Drink 1 to 3 cups of this tea everyday. Because of its health benefits, you can also have a cup of Ginseng tea as and when you please.


Dandelion is a natural diuretic herb that can produce significant weight loss by eliminating excess water, minerals and waste from your body. It is believed to stimulate fat metabolism that also removes fatty acids and cholesterol from your blood.

All these factors account to an extensive weight loss. It is also rich Vitamins A, B, C and D as well as potassium, zinc and iron which improve your overall health. For proper dosage and instructions about using this herb for weight loss, consult a doctor. Note that Dandelion should not be used for long periods.


Nettle is an excellent thermogenic herb that helps you lose weight. It is a natural diuretic, which drives excess fluid from your tissues. It is also believed to reduce your food cravings.

Nettle can be used in the form of dried leaf, capsule, extract or root tincture. It is readily available as weight loss tea in market. Generally, 8 to 12 g of the flowering plant, or 4 to 6 g of its root is used for treating obesity.

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