Life wasn’t, isn’t and won’t be fair. We all have had our share of ups and downs and there may be some more bumps ahead, but then, that’s life. Often people cannot cope with stress, failure, negativity or problems and tend to go into depression.
Yes, I agree we cannot help being sad and sad feelings go away gradually, but I am talking about the more serious form of depression where the person can even lose sanity or commit suicide if not cured earlier.
The pharmaceutical industry has filled the markets with anti-depressant pills which stimulate your body into releasing certain “happy” chemicals that lifts your mood.
I, on the other hand, do not like all these manufactured chemicals which tend to have some side effects too. Mother Nature has given us some herbs that can help you overcome your depressed state. Let us look at some of them now.
St.johns wort is scientifically known as Hypericum perforatum. It belongs to the Hypericaceae family of plants. The herb has been used widely since the middle Ages to treat a number of ailments. St.johns wort has been very useful in treating depression, anxiety and is used as an anti-depressant herb.
The herb’s anti-depressant actions are due to the presence of two strong chemicals named hypericin and hyperforin. This wonderful herb soothes the entire nervous system. It relaxes the body as well as the mind and drives out stress or tension.
A relaxed mind is able to produce normal levels of serotonin (the body chemical that makes you happy) in the body and lifts your depressed mood. St.johns herb is available as tonics but you should opt for capsules or tinctures in order to treat depression and its associated symptoms.
The other common name for lemon balm is Melissa. The botanical name of the herb is Melissa officinalis and it belongs to the mint family of herbs. The herb was used since the ancient times by Arab physicians who utilized the herb to treat depression problems.
Lemon balm is some what like an aromatic form of mint. It has a strong reputation for healing people with depression symptoms. It signals the brain to release chemicals that banishes all forms of sadness.
It has effective calming properties as well as mild sedative properties that make it the most appropriate herbal choice to treat depression and head aches. Lemon balm also aids in getting a good sleep.
You can make fresh lemon balm tea. You can also use the extracts or tinctures that are available. You may use lemon balm aroma oil for massages. Lemon balm is also a culinary herb and often used in cooking.
The jasmine is a wonderfully aromatic herb that also has some medicinal properties. It belongs to the Olive family. The scientific name for the herb is Jasminum officinale. It has served the Egyptians and Indians since times unknown with its aroma oils and its medicinal properties.
The sensuous jasmine oil is used mostly in aromatherapy to treat depression. It helps lift up the spirits. The chemicals present in the extracted essence like jasmine, linalool and linalyl acetate help to make the mind serene.
It soothes the nervous system and helps the entire system in your body transcend into a state of relaxation leaving behind unwanted stress and problems. The only way to treat depression with jasmine is by aromatherapy using the essential jasmine oil.
Bhringaraj features in the Ayurvedic treatments of India as a very useful and beneficial herb. The oldest book, the Vedas, also mention the usage of this herb long before any medicines were discovered. Bhringaraj helps to soothe the nervous system thereby calming the mind and soothing your system of thinking.
Depression agitates the nerve and the brain loses its normal pattern of thinking but Bhringaraj allows you to stay calm. Bhringaraj oil is available. You can massage your head with some oil. It is really good for the hair but it also starts working on the nervous system.
The Ayurvedic medication hails Brahmi as an excellent medicinal herb. It has been used since the 6th century. The herb works wonders on the brain and no wonder it is used even today to enhance mental power, learning and memory. Research studies of botany have found that Brahmi has antioxidant properties that can stop or prevent free radicals from destroying the neural cells.
Brahmi not only increases the rate of conduction of nerve impulses but is also known to curb stress and other symptoms of depression. It has also been seen that Brahmi can even help individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. The best way to take this herb is through tonics that are available in Ayurvedic stores.
Holy basil is also known as basil or tulsi. It is a culinary herb. The holy basil has been used in India for worshipping purposes and has strong anti-bacterial properties. The holy basil is effective in treating mild forms of depression, but research is going on to find out whether it is good against stronger forms of depression or not.
This herb can easily remove depression and also treat the other associated problems of depression like anxiety, stress, insomnia or sad moods. Basil relaxes the nervous system and reduces the level of cortisone in the blood stream. Cortisone is the hormone that induces stress and depression in the body.
You can add basil to your salads. You may also chew 10-15 fresh basil leaves daily in the morning and swallow the juice inside while throwing out the leaf. Basil tea is also available nowadays. Try to have atleast 2 cups per day.
This popular Indian herb is scientifically called Asparagus racemosis. It belongs to the Liliaceae family. It is the most important herb in treating depression. It rejuvenates the body and eliminates anxiety and nervousness that are often seen as symptoms of depression.
The herb also induces positive emotions by relaxing the disturbed mind and helps to remove negative thoughts and actions. It also has strong calming properties and soothes the nerves especially those associated with the Central Nervous system. The best way to use this is by taking the tonic form of the herb, regularly.
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