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5 Herbs For Eye Infection


A normal eye gets infected due to many reasons like external dust particles, excess cold, and sometime due to poor nutrition. If it is not treated early, then later it can lead to a major problem, and sometimes there might be a chance to lose your vision permanently.

Hence, you should keep some herbs in your mind, which can be used to avoid eye infection and any other damages to the eyes. Here are some herbs for treating the infected eyes. Herbal treatments are always the best option for curing eye infection as they are 100% secure and don’t pose any side-effect. Below are some of the best herbs to cure an eye infection.

Various Herbs For Eye Infection


Calendula is a well-known herb for its numerous medicinal properties and also has a great effect on treating the eye infection. The antiseptic and astringent effects of the Calendula herb have been used for the treatment of many diseases. It is believed that Calendula helps in soothing of both the inner as well as the outer skin of your eyes.

It aids to reduce swelling, itching, and inflammation due to its cooling property. Irritation generally occurs in the eyes due to the external pollution, viral infection, allergies, etc.

Wash your eyes twice in a day with the help of Calendula liquid to reduce an eye infection. If you are suffering from an eye infection, then you are suggested to use this procedure until you are free from the problem of this disorder.


It is noticed that European countries have been using chamomile for an eye infection such as conjunctivitis or reddish eye in the form of tea. To prepare an eye wash from chamomile, take distilled water along with crushed chamomile flower tops.

Once the solution gets mixed properly, filter the solution. Make a habit of using this liquid as your eyewash, twice in a day, for a couple of days to stay away from an eye infection. Chamomile is known as the best herbal treatment for an eye infection.


As you know, mint tea can be used for the complete healing and relaxation of an eye infection. It is one of the best effective herbs for an infected eye. You can use mint as a hot compress for the infected eyes, which brings you relief from itching, inflammation, reddish, and also avoid watering eyes. Now, replace the tea bags from the boiled water and let it cool down completely.

After it gets cool, place the mint tea bag on your infected eyes and feel relax immediately. If you continue this method for a couple of days, thrice in a day, then very soon you will get rid of the problems related to your eye infection. Since the mint is a herb, it doesn’t include any side-effect and hence 100% secure to use in the curing of an eye infection.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds contain creosol, alpha-pinene, fibre, and complex carbohydrates. Hence, fennel seeds are well-known as an Ayurvedic treatment for almost all disorders. Fennel seeds are beneficial for pink eyes, itching, and eye-watering.

Take two teaspoons of fennel seeds and put these seeds into a glass of water, and then boil this mixture for about 10 minutes. Let it cool down and then filter the solution, and use this filtered liquid to wash your affected eyes, minimum three times in a day. Fennel seed extracts can be used on a daily basis for a better result in curing an infected eye.

Agrimonies Leaf

Agrimonies are the species of a perennial herb, which belongs to the family of Rosacea. These types of herbs are normally 0.5m to 2m tall and are well-known for their multi-medicinal properties.

Take 20g of Agrimony leaves or flowers in a container with one liter of water. Once the water gets cold, apply this water as an eye wash for your infected eyes. Repeat this method twice in a day for a few weeks and observe the result on your infected eyes.

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