Baby cold is a common yet concerning ailment for both babies and their parents. It might last for 3 to 10 days and becomes more troublesome if your baby is below 2 years. As they can neither convey their inconvenience nor express the cough out for relief. Many babies do not turn up to breast feeding, for suckling interferes with their regular breathing.
Nevertheless, there are many tried and tested Home Remedies for Baby Cold that are safer than OTC drugs and prove placebo in long run. You can easily follow these simple practices that are age old and proven. Additionally, these home medications bear no side effect on your baby’s health.
Best Home Remedies For Baby Cold
Humidifiers For Easy Breathing
It is always suggested to use humidifier in your baby’s room that is highly effective to soothe dry nose and congestion especially during winters. On the contrary, be precarious to clean the humidifier after every use as it builds molds and mildews which might prove infectious to your baby.
A Warm Steam Bath To Induce Sound Sleep
Some natural cures like giving a steamy bath or applying wet cloth in the surrounding go a long way to heal cold. You might put some drops of Menthol in the bathing tub to ease congestion and relieve stuffy nose. Also, your baby would comfortably go to sleep undisturbed after a bath or steam.
Clear Mucus Using Syringe And Saline Water
Since, young kids especially babies could not blow out their nose themselves, it is mostly advised to the parents to use a rubber bulb syringe to extract the mucus. You could alternatively put few drops of saline water in baby’s nostrils before putting the syringe as this would dilute the mucus and makes its suction with the syringe easier. Here, be very careful to use saline water for not more than three to four days in a go as it could dry up baby’s nose’s inner lining and make it dry.
Homemade Vapor Rub
Vapor rub is another safe and gentle remedy. You can use some potent sources of vapor rub like Eucalyptus oil, Camphor and Menthol and apply it over your baby’s chest, neck and back carefully.
Always avoid rubbing the vapor rub at sensitive areas of the skin like over the nose or around eyes. The pungent chemicals of the vapor mix might burn your baby’s delicate skin.
Camphor Lotion
You can prepare a paste of a little Camphor with Mustard oil and smear it on your baby’s chest, neck and back before sleeping or before the hot water bath.
Celery And Salt Heating with Nagarveal Leaf
Another grandma’s home remedy for baby cold is applying oil on Nagarveal leaf and put it over your head after warming it a little. Now give gentle heat warming on chest, back and forehead using Salt and Roasted Celery tied in a bulb shape using a cloth.
Eucalyptus And Olive Oil Solution
Prepare a solution by mixing 3-4 drops of Eucalyptus Oil with 1 tablespoon of Olive or Sesame Oil and massage it softly on your baby’s chest, neck and back at least two times in a day.
Nutmeg Paste Application
Grind fine powder of the inside seeds of 7-8 Nutmeg and mix this with little water. The paste applied on your baby’s forehead and chest at night relieves cold effectively. Always be careful that your baby does not rub his palms over the applied paste and spreads it in his eyes or mouth. Nutmeg has a strong and piquant flavor that could burn eyes.
These simple but beneficial baby cold home remedies offer potent chemicals that cure cold, cough and congestion naturally and build up your baby’s immune. Cold is not a disease it is a natural fighting mechanism of body that exists for 3 days to a week’s time and goes on its own. However, these remedies could ease your baby a little or induce a prompt sleep that cures any physical discomfort by itself.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.