COPD is also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and is a health ailment faced by thousands of people around the globe. In fact, it is quite a prevalent problem in the US and is known to cause a lot of deaths. In simple words, this is the problem that obstructs the air to pass on to the lungs and causes difficulty in breathing. Shortness of breath is one of the major discomforts in this situation. Usually people who are chain smokers from years can suffer from this COPD crisis.
The only good news here is that with some regular follow up of home remedies you can ease out and subtle down the problem to an extent. These cures will also help in the treatment of the symptoms associated with COPD. The guide below is the one that offers well researched remedies in this regard. Check them out: –
7 Effective Home Remedies For COPD
Stay Away From Smoke
Pollution smoke and smoking habits can aggravate the situation of COPD. This is one of the major causes for the ailment as well. All you need to do is stay away from air pollution and smoke as much as possible for a home remedial cure for the crisis.
Clear The Air PassagesÂ
One of the best ways to handle COPD at home is to keep the air passages clear. In such a case, it is very easy for the mucus to be accumulated in the passage and cause the condition to worsen. Control smoking, have plenty of water and use a humidifier at home to keep the issue away and keep the symptoms under control.
Cayenne Pepper BenefitsÂ
One of the home products that are useful in treating the COPD issues is to use cayenne pepper. It not only improves breathing but also helps in good flow of the blood.
About ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper can be mixed with a cup of water, 2 teaspoons of good quality honey and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. This can be sipped on throughout the day to get wonderful treatment results.
Use Olive Leaf
The anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and anti viral properties of olive leaf helps a great deal in reducing the stress and problems caused by COPD. This is one product that can be taken in the tea form each day to sober down the signs as well.
Control The Breathing
Breathing and relaxation techniques at home can really help you cope with COPD. This is one home treatment that should be followed on a regular basis to get visible outcomes for the problem. Knowing how to control your breath properly will help you a long way with issues like shortness of breath.
Stay Stress FreeÂ
One of the ways to deal with COPD is to adhere to stress free living and daily lifestyle. This is going to help you as a good home treatment for the problem.
Vitamin C and Magnesium SupplementsÂ
A good and effectual home remedy for COPD is to incur vitamin C and magnesium supplements in the everyday routine. This will give you a sober way of living life even after the discomforting health ailment. For proper dose of the supplements, consult a professional.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.