Eyes have glands that secrete tears. Tears are not only a companion in sadness, but also help in maintaining healthy eyes.
They prevent dehydration of eyes and help in lubrication. Tears contain antibacterial and antiviral agents that protect eyes from any harmful attacks. A person with dry eyes does not produce suffient tears or the tears lack in mucus, oil or water.
Factors that lead to dry eyes are ageing, smoking, drinking alcohol, environmental factors,etc. The condition leads to pain in eyes, itching, burning, sensitivity to light, redness and blured vision. Dry eyes can be improved by various home remedies using easily available materials.
Dry eyes can be caused by environmental factors like pollution, wind and sun. To protect eyes against all these harmful agents, it is very important to cover eyes while going out. Covering eyes can be both protective and stylish.
One can use sunglasses when going out. Goggles are always in fashion, look good and protect eyes against all the harms. Though covering eyes would not increase production of tears but it would certainly not allow the situation to get worst.
Each time you blink, a tear drop rolls down from your glands into eyes. When you feel that your eyes are getting dry, allow them to relax and blink them several time. Blinking of eyes would bring in tear drops and spreads them all over.
In case you are working or reading, turn away from your work for few minutes to allow your eyes to rest. Though this would not be a big help in extreme cases but can be used when eyes feel a little dry.
Take a cloth and dip it in warm water. Squeeze the cloth a little to get rid of excess water and then hold the cloth over eyes till the cloth is warm. Repeat process 3-4 times followed by slowly rubbing the warm water cloth over eyelids.
The procedure removes any oil or debris clot over glands which prevents them from secreting water drops. As a result of this, glands get freed of any clotting and can easily secrete tears.
Those who have tears lacking in oil can use lavender oil. It not only adds oil to tear drops but also hydrates eyes. Put some drops of oil in warm water and mix them well. Dip two cotton balls in the mixture allowing them to soak the mixture.
Squeeze the balls slightly to get rid of dripping water. Place each cotton ball over an eye and let the mixture work for 5-10 minutes. Lavender would hydrate eyes and provide them with necessary oil in the mean while. Improvement can be seen as soon as the process is complete.
Cucumbers are known to benefit eyes and are used to get rid of dark circles and eye bags. They can also be used to add moisturize eyes in order to get rid of dry eye syndrome. Simply cut two slices of cucumber and place each of them over eyelids.
Let the cucumber hydrate eyes for 5-10 minutes. Remove the slices and notice change! Along with all the benefits, cucumber also renders a sense of relaxation to eyes allowing the tear glands to work.
Tea bags have similar effects to cucumber slices. They help in replenishing water level of eyes. Take two tea bags and dip them in warm water. Take them out and squeeze to get rid of dripping water. Allow them to cool a little in refrigerator. Tea bags are now ready to be used. Take them out and place each of them over eye lids for 5-7 minutes. They would improve moisture content of eyes curing the dryness.
Water that drops into eyes from tear glands evaporates soon leaving behind dryness. To prevent this dryness, almond oil can be used. The oil prevents evaporation of water (tears) locking the available moisture.
Almond oil is easily available and should be applied over eyelids. Though, it might be problematic to use the oil over eyes during day as seeping of oil in eyes may cause a blurred vision leading to irritation.
To avoid the problem, one can use it before bedtime. Just take little almond oil over a fingertip and massage it lightly over eyelids. Allow the oil to work while you sleep. It would not let the moisture within eyes to evaporate, keeping them wet.
Above methods can be used in case of dry eyes. Though dry eyes cannot be cured permanently but can be improved. Adding fluids to diet would also help to improve dry eyes. Fluids can be in any form but preferably should be water. Water is responsible to hydrate entire body (including eyes) and avoids any kind of dryness. This should be accompanied with changes in diets. Fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables should be added to diet as they improve condition of eyes, making them healthier.
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