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11 Remedies For Foot Fungus


Foot fungus can occur in the form of toenail fungus. It can also occur as athlete’s foot. Some causes of toenail fungus are abnormal skin pH, environmental moistness and poor hygiene. People who wear synthetic socks can get toenail fungus.

Fungus can be due to low immunity and sweaty shoes. Diabetic patients can also get toenail fungus. Fungal infection can cause cracking of the nail. Athlete’s foot occurs due to the growth of fungus in the skin of the feet due to ringworm and other types of infections.

The microorganisms that cause fungal infections do not grow in dry skin that is clean. When we wear airtight shoes, the toes become squeezed there is a formation of moisture between the toes. This causes the fungal infection. You must use home remedies to cure foot fungus. You can take help of following home remedies foot fungus.

Home Remedies for Foot Fungus

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil helps in curing toenail fungus. The oil has antiseptic properties. It is a fungicide. Apply the tea tree oil on the toenail. Make a mixture of equal amount of tea tree oil and olive oil. You can also use thyme oil. Rub the mixture on the nail with cotton for 10 minutes. Scrub the nail with a toothbrush.

If you want to use the tea tree oil for curing athlete’s foot, you can make mix tea tree oil with aloe vera gel in a ratio of three to one part. Rub the paste on the feet two times daily. The fungal infection will be cured in six weeks.

Foot Care

If you have athletes foot, you must make sure that the foot is dry. Wash the feet with soap two times daily. Then, dry the feet. If you are in a dry environment, try to be barefoot. You must wear open toed footwear. You can remove the shoes for some time at the office during the break. Do not use home remedies that contain chemicals, bleach and alcohol.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is an effective remedy of toenail fungus. Take two cups hot water. Add one-fourth cup baking soda. Add one-eighth cup peroxide. To this, add one-fourth cup Epsom salts.

Add one-eighth cup white vinegar. Apply vinegar to the toe for some time. Take the above-prepared mixture with cotton and apply on the toenail. Cover the nail with a tape. Do this remedy again after 10 hours. Repeat the remedy for 4 weeks.

Another remedy for using baking soda is to make a paste on baking soda by mixing it with water. Apply the paste between the toes. Keep the paste for ten minutes until it is dry. Rinse the toe and dry it with a towel. Do this remedy twice daily until the infection is cured. You can also rub the shoes with baking soda as it helps in absorbing moisture.

Wear Proper Footwear

You must consider some shoe tips for athlete’s foot. Remove the shoelaces and place the shoes in a hot place so that it becomes dry. High temperature helps in killing the fungus present in the shoes. Use different shoes each day. If you are wearing one shoe on a particular day, dry the other shoe in sunlight.

Also, spray the shoe with an anti fungal product. If you feel that there is excess sweat in the feet, you must change shoes many times and wear different shoes during the whole day. You must wear shoes that have open toe and space as such shoes allow the air to pass through the feet.

You must avoid wearing watertight plastic and rubber shoes. These shoes prevent evaporation of the perspiration. Due to this, the feet become moist and this causes fungus infection. If you have excess sweating, you must change socks frequently. Wear socks made from natural fabric such as cotton.

Orange Oil

Orange oil is a very good remedy for toenail fungus. The oil has anti fungal property. Apply pure orange oil on the toenail with a dropper. Let it sit on the nail for one hour. You can mix grape seed oil to the orange oil in equal amount. Some people may have allergy to orange oil. to avoid allergic reaction, you must test the oil on the skin before doing this remedy.


Rub the feet with cornstarch. You must brown the cornstarch as it helps in eliminating moisture from the cornstarch. Put cornstarch on a plate. Put the plate inside an oven and bake for few minutes. Do the baking at three hundred and twenty-five degrees. Bake until the cornstarch turns brown in color.


If you have foot fungus, you must use white vinegar. Mix the vinegar with double quantity of water. The water should be warm. Soak the toe in the liquid for 15 minutes. Rinse the toe and dry it properly. Do this remedy once in two days. If you feel irritation, increase the amount of water.

Soaking the Feet

If you have athletes foot, you must soak the feet in salted water. Dissolve salt in warm water. Fill a basin with this solution. Soak the feet in the basin for 5-10 minutes. Do this remedy many times throughout the day.


Garlic has an ingredient called allicin. Due to this, garlic possesses anti fungal property. it is very effective in curing toenail fungus. Mix garlic oil and white vinegar in equal amounts. Apply the solution on the nail. Wrap a bandage on the toe. If you do not have garlic oil, you can crush two cloves of garlic. Mix little olive oil to it. Use this as a substitute of garlic oil.


Rub the feet with yogurt with cotton. Let it become dry. Rinse the feet with warm water and remove the yogurt  Plain yogurt has a live culture, which helps in curing foot fungus. Yogurt contains bacteria, which kills the fungus and stops it from spreading.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix apple cider vinegar with water. Soak the toe in this liquid for thirty minutes daily. Dry the toenail. You can also mix apple cider vinegar with rice flour. Use it an as exfoliating scrub. Apply the mixture on the toenail and scrub it. The scrub helps in removing the dead skin. Apple cider vinegar contains acid and does not allow the fungus to spread. The vinegar helps in eliminating harmful bacteria.

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