The problem of frequent urination takes place when the bladder fails to hold urine for a sufficiently long time. If you are going more than eight times for urination, through the day, then you might be suffering from frequent urination problem. Frequent urination is caused by a wide range of factors.
This includes, diabetes where the body tries to get rid of unused glucose through urination; enlarged prostrate that presses against the urethra increasing the flow of urine and also urinary tract infections. Very often, the frequent urination symptom is caused by the overactive bladder syndrome or the involuntary bladder contractions.
There are certain home remedies available to treat frequent urination. Some of the best and effective. It is home remedies for frequent urination problem are given here:
Home Remedies For Frequent Urination
Ancient Chinese and Vedic writings include the usefulness and healing powers of banana as a fruit and as a vegetable. Banana can be used effectively to relieve the problem of frequent urination. The extract of the core of banana stem is very effective to dissolve the stones in kidney and the urinary bladder.
This is turn helps to enhance the urine holding capacity of the bladder. Thus, if you can have one whole banana every day in the morning, you will get relief from the issue of frequent urination soon.
Brown Rice And Barley
In order to get relief from the issue of frequent urination, what you definitely need are antioxidants and more importantly, good amount of fibre. Fibre is not only known for its constipation curing properties but it is also effective for treating urinary incontinence and the issue of frequent urination.
Both brown rice and barley are food rich in fibre. To use these foods for frequent urination issue, cook a mixture of brown rice and barley mixed in equal amounts and take it one meal daily. This mixture with its fibrous properties will give you relief from frequent urination.
Berry Juice
Berries like blueberry and cranberry act as disinfectants and anti-bacterial agents by preventing the infectious E-Coli bacteria to attach themselves to the bladder walls. This helps to reduce the issue of frequent urination by reducing the infection in the urinary tract if the issue is caused due to this reason.
To get relief form frequent urination, you can squish a handful of berries; blueberries or cranberries and make juice out of it. Drink either of these juices two cups every morning, daily for about a month to get relief from frequent urination disorder.
Baking Soda
It is easily available at your house, baking soda is also effective in reducing frequent urination issue if the problem is being caused by urinary tract infection.
Every morning, dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink this daily to get good results. Baking soda neutralizes the acidity in your urine, thereby easing the urinary tract infection. Thus it will help to reduce the problem of frequent urination.
This fruit helps to reduce the issue of frequent urination. Pineapple contains an enzyme called Bromelain which inhibits bacteria. So, if the problem of frequent urination is being caused by urinary tract infection due to bacteria, fresh pineapple will help to reduce the problem.
Every morning, cut and eat some slices of fresh pineapple. Continue to do this on a regular basis for about a month to get results. Pineapple, if taken regularly will get rid of the infection totally.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.