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9 Home Remedies For Hand Pain


The pain and aches in our hand is caused due to various reasons.  Bone arthritis, fracture, hand strain, carpel syndrome and hand sprain are some of them. These conditions can occur due to various reasons like injury, accidents etc.Hand pain can be annoying, cause a lot of discomfort, and restrict the movement of the hand.Arthritis is a condition, which causes swelling in the joints. This condition may also be a result of infection.

This condition affects the movement and the proper functioning of the hand. It may also cause redness and stiffness.Carpel-tunnel syndrome is another condition, which causes hand pain. This syndrome is a very common symptom in pregnant women. A tingling feeling in the fingers will be experienced by the individual, who suffers from this condition. This condition is caused due to the compression of the median nerve, which is found in the wrist. Ligaments tear leads to hand sprain.

Hand pain can be due to a fall or prolonged stretching of the ligaments. It happens when the tendons and muscles are damaged, which leads to muscle pain and swelling. There are a number of home remedies, which will help you to overcome the symptoms associated with hand pain.

9 Various Remedies For Hand Pain

Cinnamon And Honey

Hand pain can be treated with honey mixed with cinnamon powder. This combination has great healing qualities. Honey is known to be an antiseptic and cinnamon is an excellent antioxidant and antimicrobial. The blend of these magic ingredients relaxes the muscles, which are stiff.

Individuals who suffer from arthritis in the finger must take this combination. The proportion is cinnamon powder (half teaspoon) and one table spoon of honey. This should be taken every day. Consuming this mix in an empty stomach preferably early morning is advised.

Epsom Salt

In order to avoid blood clots magnesium is essential. Epsom salt is enriched with this mineral. Magnesium enhances oxygen usage.

Soaking your hands for 30 minutes every day in warm water with Epsom salt helps in decreasing swelling and relieve you from cramps and pain in the muscles.


Garlic works well as an effective treatment for hands in people suffering from a condition called arthritis. The anti- inflammatory quality in garlic helps in decreasing pain. Reproduction and growth of micro organism worsens arthritis.

Garlic contains allicin, which helps prohibit this growth. You can either consume garlic or take some garlic pods and heat them with mustard oil. Once it cools down apply and gently massage on the fingers. You can get a quick relief by repeating this many times.


Turmeric has anti inflammatory qualities. Apart from this, it also has anti bacterial and antiseptic qualities, which help in killing bacteria that causes arthritis and protects the finger that is infected from being attacked by microorganisms.

You can drink milk mixed with turmeric or take turmeric powder (1 teaspoon) with some mustard oil and make a fine paste. Apply this on the finger, which is swollen. Leave it for around half an hour. After half an hour wash it with warm water. This will relieve you from inflammation and pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The alkalizing and anti inflammatory property of apple-cider-vinegar helps in relieving the hand from stiffness and pain. Make a paste with cayenne pepper and apple- cider-vinegar and apply it on the joints, which hurt and let it remain for 10 minutes. Doing this will relieve pain, stiffness and soreness. You can also drink warm water with honey mixed with apple cider vinegar.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is known to possess curative and medicinal properties. Ricinoleic acid found in castor oil is a powerful analgesic and has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities. Gently, massage your hand with castor oil twice a day to decrease pain.

Hot Packs

Hot water fermentation on the area affected can help in relieving pain to a large extent. You can apply a hot wet wash cloth over the hand that is aching and gently apply some pressure. Doing this for at least 20 minutes in a day can give you great relief.

Alfalfa Seeds

Tea made from alfalfa seeds is beneficial for arthritis. Just put one teaspoon of these seeds to boiling water, which measures to one cup. Intake of this tea 3-4 times every day for about 2 weeks will help reduce swelling.


Arthritis can be treated with Potato as it is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory qualities. For arthritis potato juice is good. Cut potato into small thin slices without peeling off the skin and soak it in cold water the whole night. In the morning filter the water and drink it in empty stomach. This juice will relieve pain from joints and helps you become flexible.

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