Low blood pressure is the condition when pressure of blood is extremely low reducing the flow of blood to the organs. The situation gets worst when blood does not reach brain resulting in dizziness. Low blood pressure is mainly caused due to dehydration, heart attack, pregnancy, hormonal problems, some medications (such as those for high blood pressure) and various other reasons.
Low blood pressure leads to weakness, fainting and can become problematic in severe cases where it may cause temporary or permanent damage to vital organs. Hence, it is important to deal with it. Various life-time medicines are available to control low blood pressure, but natural medication always works well.
Best Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure
A little activity in an entire day can help maintain blood pressure. Low blood pressure reduces flow of blood to vital organs. Since blood is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout body, low blood flow restricts oxygen supply resulting in dizziness. Exercising increases intake of oxygen making blood rich in it and regulates blood pressure. Exercise can be the way you like it! Jogging, swimming, cycling or anything else.
Dehydration is one of the causes of low blood pressure. Increasing water intake would improve volume of blood flowing in body, hence increasing blood pressure. Thus, drinking water would work upon dehydration and hence improve low blood pressure. For this, minimum 8-10 glasses of water must be consumed each day.
Also, diuretics such as alcohol must be avoided as much as possible. These diuretics reduce water levels in body by increasing urination. Water that would have otherwise been absorbed by the body, is urinated out and adds no benefits.
Increase Salt Intake
Sodium salt intake balances any electrolyte loss due to dehydration and thus helps in improving low blood pressure. Allowable salt intake is generally reduced for those with high blood pressure due to it’s tremendous effect. But those who have low blood pressure should increase sodium salt intake for immediate and effective results.
Those who are prone to low blood pressure conditions should keep a water bottle with a little salt mixed in it. Whenever low blood pressure symptoms are felt, have the salt mixed water.
Have Coffee
Coffee works upon adrenal glands causing them to release more adrenalin. Adrenalin helps in increasing blood pressure. In case blood pressure falls, have a strong coffee (black coffee would be best) and the pressure would immediately improve. Actually, it’s not the coffee that is working but the caffeine in the coffee. So, one can have any caffeinated drink in place of coffee to improve blood pressure.
Healthy Food
Low blood pressure can be improved by changing the type of food one eats. Adding food such as beef, milk, swiss cheese, yogurt to diet would help increase low blood pressure. All these include vitamin B12, lack of which causes anemia.
Anemia is the condition when body does not make enough red blood cells resulting in low blood pressure. Improving anemic conditions would result in increased blood pressure.
All the above would help increase blood pressure and should be added to routine for a healthier life. They are easy to follow, equally safe and beneficial. Also, blood pressure may sometimes decrease when a person suddenly stands after sitting for long. The case is not very problematic but those who suffer from low blood pressure problems should make sure not to get up with a jerk. This may suddenly lead to a drop in blood supply to brain leading to sudden dizziness.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.