Mastitis is common among breast feeding mothers. About 33% of women in this world are affected with mastitis. Mastitis tends to affect lactating mothers who are breastfeeding producing milk. Mastitis is the result of bacterial infection or blocked milk duct. In case of bacterial infection bacteria enters the breast through small cracks in the nipples and then multiplies within fatty tissue of the breast. Staphylococcus aureus is a type of bacterium that usually causes this infection.
Those women who suffer from mastitis may experience common symptoms like fever and breast pain. Other common problems are itchiness, breast tenderness, redness, enlargement, pus discharge from nipples, and swollen lymph node in breast. During mastitis women should immediately stop breast feeding on temporary basis and consult a doctor.
If mastitis is be ignored than may give rise to abscess which needs surgical treatment. One can treat it with antibiotics but nursing mothers first prefer to treat it at home with home remedies. Home remedy are considered to be one of the best treatments as they do not contain any side effects and the ingredients required for treatment are easily available at home . One can look at the list mentioned below as it can help them cure mastitis and its symptoms.
Best Home Remedies For Mastitis
Application Of Ice Pack
One of the best remedy to reduce redness and discomfort occurred in the breasts due to mastitis is applying ice pack. One can pack few ice pieces in a thin towel and apply it directly over the infected area.
Ice packs helps in reducing the redness and itchiness caused due to mastitis. One can apply the icepack 4-5 times in a day as it helps to ease discomfort.
Hot Water Shower
Another effective remedy to reduce swelling and breast tenderness caused due to mastitis is take hot water shower frequently. One can directly stand under hot water bath hitting mainly the affected area of the breast.
But make that one sets the temperature accordingly she can tolerate it. Such hot water shower should be taken 2-3 times in a day for an appropriate result.
Application Of Cabbage Leaves
Cabbage leaves are considered to be an effective that helps in reducing inflammation and soothing the inflamed breast. One can place raw cabbage leaf in the bra over the infected area. It helps in reducing breast tenderness and also helps to unclog the milk duct by reducing the infection.
One can apply the leaf for minimum 5-6 hours in a day but don’t forget to change the leaf after an hour. Regular application of cabbage will reduce the infection within 24 hours.
Consumption Of Raw Garlic
Garlic contains antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation occurred within the body. Garlic is also well known for its antibiotic properties.
One can eat raw garlic cloves daily to get rid of breast tenderness and swelling. But during lactation a child may dislike the aroma or flavor of the garlic that adds to its milk. But only consume garlic if its suits your child.
Rinsing With Vinegar
Another way of treating mastitis at home is rinsing with white vinegar. One can add a teaspoon of white vinegar in a cup of water. Then soak the infected nipples in the same cup. It helps to get rid of inflammation.
Try this technique several times in a day. It helps in eradicating symptoms like tenderness and itchiness. White vinegar is considered one of the best remedy to cure mastitis.
Massaging With Essential Oil
Mother’s need to massage their breasts with essential oils daily as it helps to ease pain and discomfort caused due to mastitis. Lavender oil helps in reducing the inflammation as it contains anti inflammatory properties. Make sure that one doesn’t apply it directly. One can blend few drops of lavender oil with olive oil.
Then massage your nipples daily. It will to get rid of soreness, redness and enlargement. Massing should be done minimum 2-3 times in a day for 15-20 minutes. It won’t give an immediate result but the patient can feel the difference in a week’s time.
Exposure To Adequate Amount Of Sunlight And Air
Another best way of reducing infection caused by mastitis is exposing the breast and infected nipples in adequate amount of sunlight and air. Sunlight will help in reducing the infection and air also helps in reducing tenderness.
Open air helps in controlling bacterium growth. Mothers in such a case of infection should try and avoid wearing bra. The exposure to sunlight will ease pain caused in the breasts and help in strengthening of her tissues. Try this remedy everyday till the infection clears off. It will definitely safe you from further complications.
Curing With Calendula Tea
Another effective way of treating mastitis at home is applying calendula tea on the infected area. Mothers can prepare tea from calendula herbs .In cups of water add few roots of calendula plants. Boil it for some time and then soak the infected nipples in that water.
It helps to reduce swelling and itchiness because of its antiseptic properties. Calendula tea is considered as a healing ointment against the bacterial infection when treated either externally or internally. One can also take calendula tea 2-3 times in a day to reduce infection.
Increase The Intake Of Water
If mothers are infected with mastitis then try and increase the intake of water content during this time. It helps to flush out toxins from the body. Try and also increase fluid contents within the body. Water is considered to be the best procurement that heals one’s body during any kind of infection.
Application Of Aloe Vera Gel
Another good way of treating mastitis at home with home remedies is to apply Aloe Vera gel. Aloe Vera contains anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties that helps to reduce inflammation occurred due to mastitis. One can apply the gel from the Aloe Vera plant over the affected areas of breasts.
Leave it for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse it with cold water. Such an application 2-3 times a day would definitely reduce the infection and provide with an effective result within a week’s time. But it is highly recommended that mothers who are breast feeding during this infection shouldn’t apply Aloe Vera gel as it might contain some percent of alcohol.
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Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.