Categories: Home Remedies

Home Remedies For Myopia


In myopia, the patient suffers from nearsightedness. The patient cannot see distant objects that are situated far away, but can clearly see nearby objects. It is a refractive eye error, in which the focus of the light of the object does not fall on retina surface, but rather in retina front. Myopia can be a genetic condition. The condition affects people who see and work on close objects. Myopia can be due to ciliary muscle spasm, in which there is elongation of the eye so that the eye can see things that are situated nearby.

The most common way to correct myopia is to wear glasses. You can also use contact lenses for myopia. You can also take help of refractive surgery for curing myopia. Myopia can damage the eye permanently and the patient may have blindness after a long time of having myopia. Due to myopia, the children cannot see the blackboard clearly. They may have blurry vision and may not see the distant things clearly.

People who have myopia suffer from headaches and eyestrain. They have light sensitivity in the nighttime. The eyes can become squinted due to strained focus. You can reduce myopia by using home remedies. Some of the best home remedies for myopia are as follows.

Best Home Remedies For Myopia

Eye Exercises

If you have myopia, you must do eye exercises. Blink the eyes frequently. Cover the eyes with your palm. The palm hollow should not touch the eyes. Palming helps in decreasing eye stress. Another exercise is to imagine that is the number 8 in a horizontal position at a distance of 10 feet from you. Move the eyes in the direction of outline of the number 8. Do not move the head while doing this. Do this eye movement in the other direction also. You must not stop breathing and blinking eyes while doing this exercise.

You can learn the eye exercises from an ophthalmologist doctor. You can do eye exercises with the help of a pendulum. Watch a pendulum while it is swinging from one side to the other. Another exercise is to stand straight and keep the feet away from each other equal to the shoulder width. Keep the eyes concentrated on any object placed in front of you.

Yoga Exercises

Some yoga exercises can help in reducing myopia. One of the useful exercises for myopia is the trataka, which involves fixed eye gazing. To do tratak, focus the eyes on a tiny spot on a wall. Avoid moving neck and head during the exercise. If you feel strain, stop doing this exercise and do it after some time. Repeat the exercise by staring at a point situated on the floor.

After some time, continue gazing the spot or point you were earlier gazing on the wall. Another exercise for the eyes is to roll the eyes. Take the eyes towards left, and then turn it towards right. You can also learn the eye exercises from a yoga expert.

Chicory Juice

The chicory herb is very useful in reducing myopia. Take 75 ml chicory juice. Mix 150ml celery juice and 75 ml parsley juice with the chicory juice. You can add 200 ml carrot juice to this. This mixture of juice is very good for the eyes and helps in curing myopia.

Breathing Exercises

You must do breathing exercises for myopia. Keep the eyes closed. Take a deep breath by inhaling through the nose. Breathe out by exhaling through mouth. You should not avoid straining while breathing.

Massaging The Eyes And Rocking Exercise

Close the eyes. Throw cold water on eyes with a splashing movement. Massage above the eyelids with a light movement. Massage improves the blood circulation. Close the eyes. You should sit with the face towards the sun. Rock your body from side to side. Do this for 10 minutes.

Then, open the eyes. Look towards the backside, and then look to the front side. The, focus the eyes on an object situated near to you. Do this many times. This exercise will help in improving eyesight.

Avoid Continuous Activity

Do not do any activity continuously for a long time. You must not study or watch television continuously. If you have to do any activity for a long time, take breaks. Do not work on the computer continuously for a long time.

Bilberry And Blackcurrant

Plants can be used as home remedies for treating myopia. The bilberry plant decreases eyestrain. Infuse one-teaspoon dry bilberry in one-cup water. Take this infusion 3 times daily. Black currant contains flavonoids, which helps in decreasing myopia.

You must use blackcurrant in the form of tincture. You can also take it as fruit syrup. You can buy Black currant from pharmacy.

Proper Lighting

Do not work and read in dark areas with dim light. If you work in areas that do not have proper lighting, it can affect the eyesight. Low light strains the eye muscles. Therefore, ensure that there is proper lighting when you work and read.

Take Vitamins

Some vitamins help in improving the eyesight. For myopia, you must take foods or supplements that contain Vitamin A, B, E, and D and C.

Some foods that contain these vitamins are carrot, apple, fish, dry fruits, nuts, tomato, and green leafy vegetables.

Horsetail And Dry Nettle

Horsetail is a good remedy for myopia. Make a concoction of 100 gm dry horsetail by mixing it in one-liter water. Dip towel in this liquid for 10 minutes. Take eye bath with the help of this towel by applying the wet towel on the eyes. You can do the same remedy by making a concoction of 60 g dry nettle. Dip towel in this liquid and apply it on the eyes.

Chamomile Infusion

Chamomile is another useful remedy for myopia. Infuse one-teaspoon dry chamomile in one-cup water for fifteen minutes. Use this infusion as an eye drop. Dip a cloth in the chamomile infusion and apply on the eyes.

Almond And Aniseed Mixture

Crush almonds and aniseed to make a powder. Mix coconut powder with this. Add some candy sugar to this.

Mix all things to make a powdered mixture. Eat this powder two times daily. This powder will help in reducing myopia.


Liquorice is a useful spice for myopia. Take half teaspoon of liquorice. Mash the spice. Divide it into two parts. Add honey to the first part and calcified butter or ghee to the second part. Eat both mixtures by mixing it with milk. Take the mixtures two times daily.

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