Are you searching solutions for your oily scalp? Well,you are at the right place! Your scalp has certain glands called sebaceous glands which secrete an oily substance called sebum. Sebum is good for your hair provided it is secreted in optimum amount.
It helps in preventing scalp drying and adds luster to your hair. Contrary to this, when secreted in excess amounts, sebum leads to a greasy scalp and causes your hair to stick together or to the scalp.
Not only this, people who have sensitive skin bear the effects of oily scalp over their face as well. Oily scalp at times leads to facial problems such as acne. So, you land up looking for cures not only for your scalp, but also for your face. Various commercial products are available to manage the problem. But, you never know! They are chemical products and may have some side effects and the cost, too much! If you are looking for cheaper solutions, seek them in your kitchen and not in market. Various home remedies can work wonders to cure oily scalp with no side effects and minimal cost.
Useful Home Remedies For Oily Scalp
Keeping your scalp is very important, especially for those who have oily scalp. Removing the piled up oil from time to time would help in keeping your scalp healthy and clean. In fact, if your skin gets acne as a result of oily scalp then you should surely make a point of washing your head at least twice a week. Make sure you don’t use conditioner or any other styling product such as hair spray. These products stay in your head and add to the dirt, increasing greasiness.
So, these would not help in styling your hair rather would lead to sticky lumps of hair. If you have to go in a party and using a conditioner or hair spray is really important, then make a point of washing your hair as soon as you return from the party. Do not let the unwanted materials stay in your head for long.
Tea Rinse
Many people drink tea, but only some know the true benefits of it. Tea can be used to cure oily scalp. It has an astringent called tannic acid. An astringent is a compound which constricts body tissues. Thus, the tannic acid present in tea shrinks the pores present in scalp. As a result sebum secretion is reduced and obviously less sebum means lesser oily scalp. Take a pan of water and bring it to boiling point. Add 2 tea bags to the pan and let the water catch the essence of tea.
Reduce the stove flame and allow it to cook for sometime. Keep the water undisturbed for sometime and let it cool. When you are done washing your hair then, give a last rinse with the tea water. Make sure the tea water wets your scalp rather than flowing off your hair. If you want, you can later rinse your head with a mug of clean water as well.
Lemon Juice
Lemon works similar to tea. It has astringent components which shrink scalp pores. As a result, sebum secretion reduces. You can use lemon directly over your scalp. All you need to do is, squeeze lemon drops over your scalp and massage properly. Massaging helps in improving blood circulation, thus maintaining a healthy scalp. Allow the lemon juice to work for around 30 minutes after which is can be rinsed off with clean water. You do not require to use a shampoo provided the essence of lemon is not irritating you. You can also use the remedy just like the tea rinse.
It would be much easier and less time consuming. Take a mug of water and squeeze half a lemon in it. Mix the two properly. After you are over with washing your hair, give a final rinse with the lemon water. Make sure the lemon reaches every corner of your head. It will not only help in curbing oily scalp, but the acidity of lemon helps in maintaining pH of your scalp. The acidic content would help in killing all the unwanted organisms in your head.
If someone in your house drinks alcohol, then your purpose is served. Better use it on your hair rather than drinking it. Alcohol is the best known stringent. It helps in constricting skin which causes the scalp pores to shrink. You can use any kind of alcohol that is available be it vodka or beer. If you are using vodka, you need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:4 (1 part of vodka with 4 parts of water). Whereas, beer can be used as it is.
Wash your hair normally with a good shampoo. People with oily scalp should not use mild shampoo as the mildness does not allow the shampoo to cut all the oil on the scalp. Rather go for a harder shampoo or you can choose the one which is made for oily scalp. After washing your hair, give a last rinse with the alcohol. Make sure you rinse thoroughly with the alcohol.
Vinegar works well to cure oily scalp. It also has astringent properties and can be used to constrict scalp skin. As a result, sebum production reduces. But, it can be a bit unsafe to use vinegar directly over head as it may cause irritation. It would be better to dilute it with water. Add 4 parts of water to 1 part of vinegar and obtain a thoroughly mixed solution.
Apply the solution all over your scalp and allow it to dry. The vinegar would work well in 15 minutes after which it can be washed off. Use a good shampoo with pleasing fragrance to wash vinegar as it has pungent smell which may irritate you.
Do Not Rub
Rubbing your scalp often activates sebaceous glands leading to production of sebum. So, if you already have oily scalp and you are in a habit of rubbing your fingers over it, then you yourself are worsening the problem. Make a point of keeping your fingers away from your scalp. In fact, same is the case with combing. Combing is otherwise good as it promotes blood circulation.
But the ones with oily scalp should avoid too much combing. The process accelerates the activity of sebaceous glands and leads to more of sebum in your head. Also, combing gets all the oil from your scalp to your hair. This makes your hair oily causing them to stick together. So, make sure you comb as less as possible.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.