Stretch marks are usually observed in women. This is because, during pregnancy the skin stretches which leads to collagen breakage. These broken tissues are seen as stretch marks through the upper think layer of skin.
The condition is observed not only in women, but also in males and teenagers.
During teenage, stretch marks might be a cause of stretch in skin due to growing body. In all others, the marks are a result of some medicinal side-effects. These marks can be treated with certain home remedies mentioned in this article, which are not only effective but also safe.
Best Home Remedies For Stretch Marks
Like every other problem, water can work for your stretch marks as well. Drinking water helps in keeping body hydrated and smooth. It also allows normal production of collagen and helps in cell repair. Thus, make a point of drinking plenty of water a day which counts to atleast 8 glasses. Even if you are not confident about its results, do not give up. The remedy will bring out results slowly and should be accompanied by other home remedies. Obviously, water alone cannot bring out best results!
Olive Oil
Massaging slightly with olive oil nourishes your skin and improves blood circulation. Nourishment is necessary to keep skin healthy and increased blood circulation helps easy rejuvination of cells. The best option would be to use olive oil during pregnancy so that it can work to avoid intense marks on your body. Make sure not to put alot of pressure as the body has to be taken care of during the nine months.
You can lightly apply the oil over all the prominent areas wich are expected to have stretch marks. Continue tha usage atleast after three months of pregnancy. In case you already have marks, you can use olive oil regulalry to massage over affected area. Though the oil cannot help in vanishing the marks, it’ll surely lighten them.
Cocoa Butter
Cocoa butter can work well to replenish your skin. Just massage the affected areas with cocoa butter and rest of the work is left for it. Massaging helps in improving blood circulation and allows easy penetration of butter in skin. The butter easily reaches deep inside your skin and improves collagen production, thus lightening stretch marks.
The technique might not work for old stretch marks. In case you have newly formed stretch marks or you think you might have them soon, start applying cocoa butter. After all, it won’t do any harm! Use it everyday after bathing. For best results, you can massage lightly with cocoa butter twice a day (in morning and at night).
Also Read
Natural Cure for Stretch Marks
Natural Treatments for Stretch Marks
Natural Cure of Stretch Marks
Vitamin E
Oils rich in vitamin E can be used to work against stretch marks. Vitamin E is an antioxodant and promotes cell growth. Thus, applying oils rich in vitamin E over affected areas can eliminate the marks. Castor oil is a pool of vitamin E and can be used for the purpose.
Massaging the oil over affected areas will improve blood circulation and cause the oil to seep into skin. Increased blood circulation will work to replenish cells. Also, the castor oil seeping in your skin will improve production of cells, causing the stretch marks to lighten.
Eat Healthy
Diet can work wonders for any medical condition. Whatever you eat would show up in your body faster than waterver you apply. Try eating food rich in proteins, vitamin C and vitamin E as they improve cell growth. Proteins are present in tuna, salmon, turkey, pork, beef, etc. Vegetarians can go for cottage/mozzarella cheese, beans, soymilk, milk, yogurt, almonds, peanuts, flax seeds.
Vitamin E needs can be fulfilled by avocado, kiwi fruit, broccoli, almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower oil, asparagus, palm oil and spinach. Lastly, rich sources of vitamin C include guava, red pepper, kiwi fruit, broccoli, lychee, citrus fruits, papaya, strawberry potato, tomato, rose hip and cabbage. Make a routine diet that includes all the essential nutrients and you’ll soon see results.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.