According to medical experts, every child experiences occasional vomiting. The reasons for vomiting can differ from child to child but in most cases, the vomiting occurs as a result of a viral gastrointestinal infection.
In few cases, vomiting can persist and this can be dangerous as the child can suffer from dehydration due to excessive vomiting. For instant treatments, one can resort to a few home remedies that are simple and effective in stopping the vomiting in children.
9 Effective Home Remedies For Vomiting In Children
Vomiting is a common ailment that needs immediate attention. Parents can resort to simple home remedies that help in eliminating the vomiting symptoms and reduces the chances of your child suffering from dehydration.
Water Or Ice
As soon as you notice that your child has been vomiting, one can immediately offer your child water or ice chips. Small sips of water helps in settling the stomach and in time it prevents dehydration by stopping the vomiting in the child.
Oral Rehydration Solution Or ORS
During bouts of vomiting, most children can also suffer from stomach flu. To prevent such tricky situation, one can give the child ORS as this helps in settling the stomach.
Encourage a vomiting child to sleep. This helps in controlling the nausea, which often accompanies vomiting in children. Sleeping helps in saving energy and also controls vomiting in children.
Restrict Non-essential Medicines
A number of oral medicines and pills can upset the stomach of the child’ hence, stop such non-essential medicines after a consultation with a pediatrician.
Bland Diet C
hange the diet of the vomiting child instantly. Within a few hours of the child’s vomiting, start a bland diet including toast, lemon soda, crackers, white rice, and bananas. Such bland food items helps in the recovering process of the child by settling and comforting the stomach lining.
Treatment of vomiting in children is also possible with gelatin. This helps in controlling vomiting and providing instant relief from the cramps caused by unstoppable vomiting. Best served in room temperature, gelatin can be had by the vomiting child at least once.
Vomiting children can greatly benefit from consuming raw ginger. Children of all ages can benefit from ginger intake as this can help in easing out the stomach cramps and nausea. In case your child is unable to eat raw ginger, then one can opt for ginger bread or ginger sticks, and ginger snaps.
Though considered a vomiting treatment for adults, soups can also be very helpful for children suffering from incessant vomiting. For best results, opt for thick broth soups containing beans and cream. Traditional chicken soups are a great remedy for vomiting.
High water content in the soup prevents the child from becoming dehydrated; thus, helping in keeping the strength up till your child can resume normal eating pattern.
Fruit Pops
Children often love frozen colorful fruit pops. Consider giving your child such frozen eatables when he or she starts vomiting due to viral infection. But one must avoid giving fruit pops made from cream or chocolate as this can worsen the condition.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.