Do you have a bloated stomach which pains and feels heavy all the time? Are gas, constipation, frequent motions, backache and fatigue causing you much discomfort? If you have most of these symptoms, it could be due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS is a gastrointestinal disorder which affects a large percentage of people all over the world.
It seems to affect more women than men, and its symptoms may not even be very evident for many years. This syndrome is largely affected by your emotions. Nervousness, anxiety, depression, frustration, etc. may aggravate this condition. Certain foods, hormonal changes, medications, lactose intolerance and overuse of laxatives can worsen the symptoms of IBS.
There is not actual way to diagnose the condition; the symptoms alone are the main indicators. People find different ways to live with this irritating condition. These natural cures, which involve the use of home remedies, herbs, dietary changes and stress management techniques, will help you deal with your irritable bowel syndrome problem.
Natural Cure For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Eat Yogurt
Irritable bowel syndrome causes stomach upsets and drains away the good bacteria in your gut which aids digestion and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. To have a healthy gut, which is full of friendly bacteria, you can eat plenty of yogurt every day. Yogurt contains active bacteria which will help lessen the symptoms of IBS and will definitely aid your digestive system. Eat fresh home-made yogurt, which is very easy to prepare. You can also enjoy fruit yogurts to get added benefits of these vitamin packed fruits.
Drink Peppermint Tea
Peppermint is a natural spasmodic that helps to relax your intestines, reduces muscle spasms and provides relief from gas pain. It is very beneficial in treating the symptoms of IBS. So, drink two cups of peppermint tea every day if you are suffering from an irritable bowel syndrome. Get the kind that contains real peppermint, not just a black tea that has peppermint flavor added to it. Also, do not take too much peppermint as it may aggravate heartburn.
Ginger To Aid Digestion
Ginger contains substances that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It is very beneficial for you if you have an inflammatory bowel syndrome. Ginger helps to soothe your irritated stomach and aids digestion. You can add ginger to your cooking to get its best health benefits. The severity of IBS symptoms is reduced on regular consumption of ginger tea. Add some grated ginger root to a cup of boiling water. Allow it to steep for ten minutes, then strain and drink this tea at least two to three times a day.
Psyllium Seed Husk
Psyllium is a plant whose seeds are used in the production of mucilage. Its husk contains adaptogenic fiber, which means if you happen to be constipated it will help soften your stools and if you are having loose stools and frequent motions, it will help with proper stool formation and reduce the frequency of your bowel movements.
Amazing, isn’t it? So, get some psyllium husk from a health store and take it daily to get relief from the symptoms of IBS. You can take psyllium as a long-term laxative as it is safe unlike most chemical laxatives. Make sure you are purchasing the organic product as it is free of pesticides which may end up causing more harm than good. Also, have the husk with lots of water as it is rather dry and can choke you.
Eat Flax Seeds
Flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids and are high in anti-oxidants. They are very beneficial for maintaining healthy muscles and tissues. Flaxseeds are also very high in natural fiberwhich makes them the perfect remedy for treating IBS symptoms. If you are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, chew on some flaxseeds every day. Drink plenty of water after eating them. The fibre will help to improve your digestion and reduce the discomfort in your stomach.
Licorice Root
Chronic inflammation is the root cause of many symptoms behind IBS. Licorice is an anti-inflammatory herb which is very beneficial for people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. It helps in restoring the proper functioning of your adrenal glands which controls the secretion of many useful hormones in our body. Among them, cortisol works as an anti-inflammatory and stress controlling hormone. Licorice helps to prolong the life of cortisol, which helps reduce stress and inflammation in people with IBS.
Food Triggers
Food triggers most of the IBS symptoms in people. Different people have different intolerances. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a food diary in which you must note down your daily intake and learn what causes your stomach upsets. Minimize your consumption of fried and junk foods, dairy, processed and preserved foods, and avoid spicy foods as they can cause spasms in your intestines. Foods that cause flatulence, such as cabbage, brussel sprouts and broccoli can be avoided. Cut down on caffeine, sodas, alcohol and sugar.
Chew Food Thoroughly
Do not gorge on food. It slows down the digestion and triggers IBS symptoms. Take small bites and chew your food thoroughly. This will be easy on your intestines. Also, do not drink water or other fluids along with your meal. Fluids will end up diluting stomach acids, which slows down the digestion process. Eat smaller meals as too much food at once can affect your digestive system adversely.
Manage Your Stress
Stress is one of the major factors that trigger the symptoms of IBS. Learn to manage your stress with stress-relieving exercises like meditation and simple breathing exercises that you can do at any time of the day when you something upsets you and whenever anxiety build up.
Negative thoughts can have a very adverse effect on your digestive system, triggering irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. A good massage can be very stress-relieving, so try to get one very day. Take some free time out for indulging in hobbies that are calming. Gentle, regular exercises, such as walking, swimming and light aerobics will also keep you healthy and fit.
Drink Plenty Of Water
Water helps our body to function well, so ensure that you keep yourself well-hydrated by having at least two to three litres of water every day. This will aid in digestion and reduce the severity of IBS symptoms.