Breast cancer is a life-threatening condition, characterized by the malignant growth of breast tissues. Some common symptoms include pain, feeling of heat, reduction in breast size, swelling, inverted nipples, discharge from breasts and lump in the surrounding areas. The major factors that can cause breast cancer include excessive intake of estrogen and progesterone hormones, excessive alcohol consumption, family history and old age.
Following are some of the best natural remedies that can be very helpful in controlling the symptoms of breast cancer.
Natural Cure for Breast Cancer
Cold Compress
Giving your breasts a cold compress using ice packs can provide you great relief from some of the symptoms of breast cancer, such as pain, swelling and unevenness in its shape. Fill some crushed ice cubes in a plastic bag and place it on sore breasts for around 10-15 minutes.
It relieves swelling. To relieve pain, you should use hot and cold compresses alternatively – hot compress for half an hour, followed by cold compress for ten minutes. You can prepare a hot compress by filling warm water in a plastic bag.
Take one tsp. of the oil extracted from flaxseeds three times daily. If you do not like its bitter taste, you can mix it in one glass of water and add ½ tsp of honey for flavor. Also, you can use ground flaxseeds instead of extracted oil. Flaxseeds contain high concentration of micronutrients, fiber, antioxidants, lignans and omega 3 fatty acids. The combined effect of all these substances has been found to be very beneficial in restricting and reducing the growth of breast cancer cells.
Various medical studies have confirmed that the curcumin substance found in turmeric can be very helpful in delaying or even preventing the growth of breast cancer tumors.
Therefore, drinking a mixture of 1 tsp. of turmeric powder with a glass of water can be very beneficial. You can also add crushed garlic for better results. Add some honey for flavor.
Lignans are found in the seeds of peanuts, flaxseed, strawberries, cashews and sunflower. Lignans can slow down the progression rate of estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells. So, an effective remedy is to grind equal amount of these seeds together and then consume one tablespoon of the mixture 2-3 times daily.
Garlic contains alkyl sulphur that makes it a powerful natural anti-cancer agent. The antibiotic properties of garlic make it more effective in the treatment of breast cancer.
Though you can eat garlic by cooking it in your foods, you are advised to eat raw garlic in the form of powder, clove or even extracted oil. In general, you should consider eating at least 2-3 cloves of raw garlic daily.
Dietary Changes
Avoid foods that contain high amount of saturated fats, such as pork, lamb, beef and hot dogs. Eating lots of protein-rich foods (like lentils, peas, spinach, corn, banana, carrot and cucumber), calcium-rich foods (like green vegetables, almonds, orange juice and canned salmon) and vitamin D-rich foods (like cod liver, eggs and milk) can be very beneficial for breast cancer patients.
Most importantly, you must eat plenty of soybeans (either in the form of cooked food or as sprouts). It provides your body with isflavones and phytoestrogens that can even help in reversing breast cancer, particularly if it is in an early stage. Though there are plenty of natural remedies that can help in the treatment of breast cancer, they should never be used as a complete replacement for the conventional treatment.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.