Eczema is a disease of the skin which can affect any part of the body. Children are the most affected and eczema on the hands is a common skin disease which needs immediate treatment to prevent it from spreading.
There are many ways of natural cure for eczema on hands, which prevents the potential allergens to come in contact with the affected part and cause aggravation.
How To Cure For Eczema On Hands
Keep Your Hands Moisturized
The first and foremost thing to get relief from hand eczema is to keep the hands moisturized and clean, washing with water at regular intervals. The hands can be moisturized by applying hypo-allergenic skin cream.
Use Bath Soap Made From Goat Milk
Taking care at home includes washing the portion with bath soap made of goat milk and using Aloe-Vera gel to keep the skin smooth.
Apply Coconut Oil To Arrest Eczema
Coconut oil is an excellent source of fatty acids which nourishes the skin to arrest eczema in the hands.
Cocoa oil, borage and flax seed lotion and shea butter are useful as natural cure for eczema on hands.
Use Vitamin E Rich Oil
Vitamin E oil is a natural remedy when applied on hands help in regeneration of the skin and reduces inflammation.
Take Bath With Epsom Salt Mixed In Water
Bathing with Epsom salt or Cerave lotion mixed in water is helpful to prevent the skin disease.
Apply Grape Seed Oil
If the grape seed oil is used while bathing, then it helps to sooth the skin and keeps it moisturized. Having a brew made of the peel of banyan tree is very useful for treatment of eczema.
Use of blankets should be avoided and no sour food should be taken. Dresses made of wool should be avoided as a part to prevent the eczema from aggravating.
An important part of the diet is yoghurt which acts from beneath the skin layers to stop the itching sensation. Plenty of zinc supplements also help in cure of eczema on the hands.
Drinking goat’s milk helps to nourish the skin and is a very good natural cure for eczema on hands. Instead of dairy products, use of rice milk can be effective.
Mountain wraps and lots of water with lemon added to it serves as a great drink for those suffering from eczema on the hands. The diet must contain fresh fruits and vegetables, avoiding sugar and processed foods.
Herbal And Ayurvedic cure
The seeds of Butea when mixed with lime water and applied on the affected parts provide a great relief. Bark of the Babul Tree or Acacia Arabica when boiled in water, and allowing fomented on the affected skin is helpful for cure of eczema on the hands.
Other herbs which are natural cure for eczema on hands are Linseed and Madhuca which are applicable on the skin. Ayurvedic treatment include the method that oleates the skin, the method which induces sweating that removes the toxin from the blood and the five steps for purification of the blood.
One teaspoonful of Panchatikta Gritam, thrice a day and 50 milligrams of chaturmukha rasa twice a day are proven treatment for natural cure for eczema on hands. Ointment made of seasame oil, arka and turmeric is an excellent medication for eczema on the hands.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.