An H. pyloric bacterium is a gram negative bacterium that is responsible for many stomach related problems like ulcer, gastritis and lots more.
This bacteria lives inside the stomach of people and serves as the root cause for many diseases. Hence, it has to be treated at an early stage before the situation worsens. There is lot of natural cure for H pyloric bacteriawhich can restore health without any side effects.
Effective Natural Cures For H Pyloric Bacteria
Daily consumption of garlic lowers the risk of diseases caused by H. pyloric bacteria. This is a type of spice that has antibacterial and anti-germ property that can destroy H pyloric activity.
Broccoli Sprouts
Broccoli reduces the risks of gastritis, ulcer and stomach cancer that are caused by H. pyloric bacteria. It has a high concentration of sulforaphane that triggers the secretion of enzymes in the stomach. Daily consumption of broccoli sprouts prevents the growth of H pyloric bacteria and also reduces the cause of stomach cancer.
It can be consumed either in frozen or in cooked form. This has high concentration of ellagic acid, which is also found in certain nuts and blue berries.
Ellagic is a phytochemical agent that acts as disease fighting agent. It also has antiviral, anti carcinogenic, antimutagen and antibacterial property.
This has anti bacterial property that can fight against H. Pyloric bacteria. This produce an enzyme called urease that blocks the action of H pyloric bacteria. Cinnamon stops the necessary function of the bacteria and serves as the natural cure for H pyloric bacteria.
Manuka Honey
Consumption of 5% of Manuka honey can help to kill the bugs that are troubling and causing lots of stomach related problems.
Probiotics are natural bacterial cultures that contain lactobacillus and bifidus. These help in eliminating disease causing H pyloric bacteria.
Aloe-Vera Juice
Daily consumption of Aloe-Vera juice can reduce the risk of disease caused by H pyloric bacteria. Aloe-Vera juice can be prepared from fresh Aloe-Vera plants.
This is a type of resin that is extracted from the Pistacia lentiscus tree. This has been used as a food ingredient for many years now. Now, this is resin is dried and sold as capsules, consumption of 1-2 gm per day can lower the disorders caused by H pyloric bacteria. Hence this serves as a natural cure for H pyloric bacteria.
This is a natural occurring compound that fights effectively against H. pyloric bacteria. This is mostly found in broccoli sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and kale. Daily consumption of Sulforaphane containing vegetables can lower the chances of H pyloric bacteria.
Olive oil
Polyphenols present in olive oil can kill H pyloric bacteria. Regular consumption of olive oil is very effective in keeping this kind of bacteria at bay.
This contains a compound called anthocyanosides that acts as an antioxidant and tannin that heals the common symptoms caused by H pyloric bacteria. One can consume 80-120mg and can be taken twice a day.
This helps in soothing ulcer and upset stomach by improving the blood flow. 5 to 10 grams leaves are boiled in hot water for 15 minutes and consuming it 3 times per day can give a best result.
The above given information throws some light on the natural cure for H pyloric bacteria that can yield good results without any side effects.
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