Thyroid gland carries an array of chemical and physical processes in the body. For example, it helps in proper growth and development of the entire body, regulates the calcium levels in the bones and also controls the assimilation rate of nutrients in the body.Thyroid problems refer to the condition when the thyroid gland stops functioning properly, generally characterized by the enlarged neck (below the larynx).Some common symptoms that indicate a problem with the thyroid gland include stiffness in the back and joints, constipation, weight gain and decreased rate of physical activities. Following are some of the natural remedies that can be very effective in controlling thyroid problems.
Cure For Thyroid Problems
1. Watercress
Grind some watercress leaves with water until it turns into fine paste. Apply it over the front part of your neck and leave for an hour. Then wash it off with water. In addition to that, you can also drink watercress tea for faster relief. Mix 2 grams of watercress leaves in one cup of boiling water and leave it for 30 minutes.
Filter the liquid and drink it warm. Watercress is one of the richest natural sources for iodine, which is an essential nutrient required by your body for proper functioning. The combined effect of both these remedies thus can be very helpful in improving the functions of thyroid glands.
2. Lotus Stem And Water Reed
Prepare a herbal decoction by steeping water reed and lotus stem in boiling water. Filter the liquid and consume it. For optimum results, do it 3-4 times a day. It is one of the best natural ways to improve thyroid functioning.
3. Ginger Tea
Patients afflicted with improper thyroid functioning are often advised to avoid carbonated drinks, tea and coffee and replace all these beverages with ginger tea.
You should drink ginger tea at least 3-4 times daily to get rid of thyroid problems faster. You can prepare ginger tea by mixing a little amount of fresh ginger in normal tea.
Also Read:
Home Remedies for Thyroid Problems
4. Carrots, Cucumber And Sprouts
Consuming salads prepared by mixing slices of carrots, cucumber and sprouts can also be very effective in treating thyroid malfunctioning. Use this remedy two times a day, with your regular meals. If you are diagnosed with goitre (neck swelling), this particular remedy is all the more beneficial for you.
5. Milk And Coconut Oil
Add 2 tsp. of coconut oil in one cup of milk. Drinking this mixture can also be very useful in rectifying thyroid malfunctioning.
6. Juice-Based Fast
One of the best ways to treat thyroid problems is by cleansing the entire digestive tract system and removing harmful toxins from the body. And, the most effective way to do this is by keeping five days of fast, during which you should drink only fruit juices. Some good fruit choices for thyroid patients include pineapples, grapes, apples, cucumber and carrots.
In addition to the above natural remedies for thyroid problems, you must also bring some specific changes in your diet plan. To begin with, you must add iodine-rich foods like cranberries, organic yoghurt, navy beans, strawberries, potatoes and crystal salts. Offal, yeasts and egg yolks also make a good addition to your thyroid-healthy diet. Avoid a unpolished variety of rice. Cakes pop, candies, alcoholic drinks and pastries should also be strictly avoided.
7. Dandelion Leaves
Mix some clarified butter with dandelion leaves in the ratio of 2:5. Pack the resulting paste in a soft, thin cotton cloth and wrap it around the affected areas.This remedy is particularly very beneficial for those afflicted with goitre. Goiter is a condition caused by thyroid problems where the front part of the neck (just below the thyroid cartilage) swells.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.