Age spots commonly known as liver or sun spots are normally discolored or yellowish-brown and inoffensive in nature. The exposure to sun causes such spots and areas around the face, hands etc. are very prone to it. The marks makes a person feel embarrassing and if heed is not paid then can lead to skin cancer.
The increment of the pigment called melanin can also be a major cause. Natural cures are the best remedies without much effort and expense to get freedom and all that need to be done is to follow them until the problem is tackled completely and the guide below will give a list in hand and help us to get rid of age spots and help us attain beautiful skin. They are:-
A direct and a regular application of this oil each morning and night helps in fading away of spots and an improvement in the skin.
The oil when applied on the skin helps proper circulation of blood which cleans the system and helps in a faster recovery of tissues under the skin which in turn helps in reduction of swelling.
Fresh fruits and leafy vegetables help in flushing out toxins and keep the skin as fresh as a sunlight. Deep fried and chilly food, jaggery products, hard drinks etc should all be avoided and normally a deficiency in minerals and vitamins causes such spots.
Melons, dates, bananas etc should be taken in since its high in potassium. An intake of yoghurt everyday helps in diminishing of spots. The seeds of pomegranate should be grinded and the oil obtained should be applied since it holds anti-aging properties.
Known for its healing properties aloe vera helps in case of burns especially and it is highly helpful in getting a beautiful skin. Affected areas when rubbed and cleansed with aloe vera helps us get rid of spots.
Lemon juice helps in curing spots since the acid present in it helps in lightening of the spots. Each day for about two months the spots should be rubbed for about a span of half an hour and even can be left overnight. Honey helps as a moisturizer and gives a glow to the skin.
A proper care of skin should be taken and the dead cells should be removed periodically. A scrub with proper scrubs or loofah helps in removal of dead cells and formation of new and fresh skin takes place. Proper products after consultation should be applied since every individual has a different type of a skin.
Breathing techniques help in circulation of blood which in turn helps in cleaning of pores and cleansing of digestive system and help us attain a fresh and a glow on the skin. Exercises for jaws and chin help in reduction of spots.
An onion should be cut into half and rubbed over the affected areas as the acid present helps in removing pigmentation and helps in exfoliation of skin tissues.
Washing and rinsing with cold water after that is recommended since the pores get constricted and chances of occurrence of wrinkles and spots are reduced.
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