Anal itching is very common among most people. It is more in men than women. Another name for anal itch is Pruritus Ani. It is defined as chronic itching situated in your anus or on the skin around your anus. Usually it causes intense urge to scratch. In general case anal itching causes intolerable discomfort, burning and soreness on the skin around anus. There may be numerous reasons as to why anal itching is caused. Digestive problems, skin irritation, hemorrhoids, anal tumors and skin infection often results in anal itching. Anal itching may affect both children and adults.
Although most of anal itching doesn’t require a medical treatment but if you feel that the itching in anal area lasts more than 2 months or one sees blood from the rectum immediately consult a doctor. Anal itching can occur again and again if one doesn’t attain proper self care measures. One should avoid spicy foods and pepper as such ingredients may result in anal itching. Natural cures are considered to be the best remedy to cure anal itching and its related problems as it is free from all side effects and less expensive. Natural remedies effectively help in restoring natural health condition and eradicate the problems of scratching and discomfort occurred around anus.
Best Natural Cures For Anal Itch
1. Dietary Supplements
One person suffering from anal itching should increase the intake of water. One should consume lot of carrot and grape juices to ease discomfort and burning. One should strictly avoid spicy foods and caffeinated drinks. Try consuming lot of raw green vegetables and fresh fruits like orange, apple and grapes.
Try and increase more of flaxseeds and whole grains. Consumption of fibers helps to get relief from anal itch causes. Children suffering from anal itchiness should try and avoid milk products and chocolates.
2. Homeopathic Treatment
Another best remedy to cure anal itch naturally is treating with homoeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies helps in relieving acute itching and helps in smoothing the skin around anus. Commonly recommended medicines that help to cure anal itching are Fagopyrum, Croton, Aesculus, Sulphur, Kali Sulph, and Cina. Other than these certain ointments also helps in providing relief from anal scratching.
Certain homoeopathic ointment also helps to provide relieve from burning and eases scathing problems. Calendula Creams are well known to treat rectal itching.
Homeopathic medicines should be taken in consideration with homeopathic consultant and the medicines should be taken as prescribed by doctors. A lot of people look for homeopathic remedy for treating anal itchiness as it is considered to one of the most safest and effective treatment for all ages.
3. Cold Compress
One of the best remedy to cure anal itchiness is application of cold compress. For instant relief from discomfort and soreness one can apply ice pack by putting few ice cubes wrapped in towel. It helps relieve redness and eases the person from scratching further.
One can also pour running cold water over the anus for 15-20 minutes to relieve from anal itchiness. Try this treatment 2-3 times in a day. It helps in temporal relief from anal itchiness.
4. Neem Leaves
Neem leaves since ages have been used to provide relief from all kind skin itchiness and discomfort. One can use neem leaves oil or neem paste to cure itchiness around anal area. Neem helps to reduce dryness and eases discomfort caused due to anal itchiness.
Apply the paste in the affected area for 10 minutes 2-3 times in the day. Then rinse it with cold water. Within a week neem will help to reduce the infection.
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5. Aloe Vera Gel
One can treat anal itchiness naturally with help of Aloe Vera gel. It is considered to be a good remedy as Aloe Vera is too much skin friendly. One can apply the gel of Aloe Vera plants for 10 minutes. Then rinse with water.
One can apply Aloe Vera gel 2-3 times in day as it eases soreness and reduces inflammation caused due anal itchiness. One can drink Aloe Vera gel orally early morning to reduce the inflammation and get relief from itchiness within a week’s time.
6. Essential Oil
Another natural way of treating anal itchiness is treating with essential oils. Essential oil helps to reduce inflammation and swelling. Olive oil and tea tree oil helps in curing anal itchiness to a great extent. Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil with tea tree oil in equal amounts.
Add few drops of chamomile oil to the mixture. Soak the cotton ball to the formed mixture of essential oil. And apply the cotton ball over the affected area. Apply the mixture for 10 minutes as it helps to give smoothing effect and also relieves the patient from further scratching. One can apply this mixture for 4-5 times a day for an effective result.
7. Sitz Bath
Another effective way to treat anal itchiness is with sitz bath. Sitz bath is considered very effective as the hips and buttocks are immersed in hot water tub for therapeutic effect of moist heat.
Make sure that one doesn’t add anything else while soaking in that warm water. One can sit in that warm water tub for 15-20 minutes. It gives relief from itchiness and soreness. Within a week’s time it eradicates from the itching problem.
8. Coconut Juice and Tomato
Coconut juice and tomato mixture is best known to naturally treat anal itchiness. One can squeeze some amount of tomato. Then extract the juice from the coconut also. Blend it properly to form a mixture.
After blending the mixture properly massage the mixture gently over the itchy skin for some time. Continuous usage will help to get relief from itchiness and within some time the itchiness will get faded from the anus region.
9. Bitter Gourd Juice
Another effective way of naturally treating anal itchiness is applying the roots of bitter gourd juice over the affected area of the skin. This juice can be applied for 10 minutes and then rinse the area with cold water. It relieves the skin from itchiness to a great extent instantly.
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.